thirty-two | the new power

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Between school and work, Freya fits in seeing Bella and spending whatever free time at the cave

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Between school and work, Freya fits in seeing Bella and spending whatever free time at the cave. Jacob hadn't spoken to Freya since their argument about the Cullen's help, but he's always there, hiding in the woods. They both need to talk, but they're both being stubborn. Jacob sticks to being a wolf and Freya sticks to her cave.

"I hate to say this," Elodie spoke from where she floated almost like a starfish with her legs clasped together from her tail, "but I miss lovey-dovey Freya."

"I wasn't—"

"You were," Elodie raised a brow, smirking as she glanced at the brunette. "Paul's too scared of me to stay mad, but he's still pretty pissed about us going behind the packs back."

"It was for good reason," Alison sighed. "They would never have let us go otherwise."

"Yeah, and now they're arguing with Sam," Elodie said. "Paul's determined to find another way."

Freya scowled, pushing herself further down in the water as her back scraped against the edges of the cave pool. Accepting the Cullen's help hadn't been an easy task for Freya and the conflicts it had caused had made it even harder. Every day since Freya had tried blocking out the constant voice telling her to just kill Edward, the temptation was getting stronger with every thought about needing their help.

"What I was saying," Elodie said. "I think you and Jacob need to talk."

"Since when were you one for relationship advice, Elle?" Freya questioned, surprised.

The blonde shrugged, the movement was a little odd from where she floated. Alison swam closer to Freya, offering her friend a small smile.

"Since the sulking does my head in," she stated. "Plus, I'm trying, okay?"

Alison grinned. "What do you mean trying, Elodie?"

"I don't like Paul," she exclaimed, too quickly, as both Freya and Alison exchanged a look. "I don't! I'm done with men."

Freya pressed her lips together, knowing it was best not to out Elodie when she wasn't ready. It had taken the blonde a while to even accept a friendship with Paul. Instead, her eyes fell on Alison. "What about you and Leah?"

Alison's eyes darted away from Freya, cheeks flaming. "I-I don't know."

"You like her, don't you?" Elodie realised.

"I... maybe," Alison whispered, but the two heard. "It's complicated."

"It always is," Freya sighed.

"Elodie is right, though, Freya," Alison said. "You and Jacob need to talk. This isn't helping either of you."

Freya knew it was the truth, but she also knew that Jacob wouldn't listen to what Freya wanted and instead would insist on refusing to let the Cullen's help. Then, it was the reality that she was always going to be the problem in their relationship until this was fixed — no matter what the future claimed. But, Freya was struggling without having him nearby. Her sleeping was worse than it was before and he wasn't around to block the voices in her mind.

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