Elliot- Another one bites the dust

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A/n: New update is here, guys. A third person's POV on our favorite Eli. What do you think about him and Alexis? Do let me know. Hope you all enjoy this. Vote, comment, and share.

Lots of hugs,


Elliot James Carson. How does one even begin to describe him? Goofy...fun-loving...jock...best-friend...perfect son...best brother...hopeless romantic...couragious. Yet, none of these words define him.

The third child of Rosy and Mitchell Carson, well-known attorneys, Elliot was the youngest of his siblings, born 4 minutes after than his twin. Level-headed from birth, Elliot could diffuse the tension in a room, by just walking into it. That's what made him different from his twin, his best friend, Oliver. His elder sister, Calla, was born when his parents were 18, making her 10 years older than him, a fact that she never let her brothers forget.

Rosy and Mitchell organized playdates for the twins and their best friends' kids, wanting for them to get along with each other, the way they did. That's how Elliot met his 2 new best friends Nathan and Zach when he was just 3. Since then, all four of them have been inseparable. Being there for each other, understanding each other, and growing up together. It was always his boys over everyone else in the world. But along with these two boys, Elliot met someone else that day too. A tiny blonde angel, who was the most beautiful girl in the world. He fell in love with her that second, he met her, and that was something Alexis Stewart, or his angel, as he calls her, always knew.

She was always possessive of them, something that bothered everyone but him. He knew how much the boys disliked her, but to him, it didn't matter. They just didn't know her as he did. They didn't fix her wound when she fell after riding her bike for the first time. They didn't hold her when she found her father screwing his secretary, or when she found her mother choosing booze and pills over her. They didn't see her break when she found out that her parents were getting a divorce and that her father was now getting married to his secretary. They didn't calm her down every time she used to cry listening to the harsh words of her mother.

But somehow, in his quest to save her, he didn't even realize when his sweet angel Lexi turned into everything she hated. She turned into a stereotypical mean girl, who cared more about looks and popularity than personality. The first time he noticed it, it broke his heart.

Nathan introduced them to his new stepsister when they reached middle school. His dad had left him when he was just 9, and started a new family, leaving him and his mother broken. His mom, though, never gave up on Nathan and continued to be a pillar of strength. Elliot admired Mrs. Walker more than anyone in the world. The way she carried herself with grace and didn't let what her husband did define her, made everyone awestruck. 4 years after her husband left, she got married again, this time to Mr. Preston, who lost his wife to an accident, and had a daughter their age. It took Nathan 2 years to accept Lillian, but with Mark Preston, it took more. When they started middle school, Nathan finally introduced his friends to Lillian.

That day, Elliot saw something change in Alexis. She was cold, calculative, and started faking her emotions. She wanted to be perceived as a bimbo, even though she was the exact opposite of that. The way she behaved with Lillian was an example of that. She was scared that a nobody would come and steal her friends away. But, as much as she tried to prevent it, the closer they grew to Lillian. They cared about her the way Alexis wanted them to care about her.

That was the first day Elliot confronted her. He begged for his Lexi to come back. He begged for his angel to return, instead of this unfamiliar person. She felt his love, and at that moment, nothing else mattered. She kissed him. His Alexis was finally his, or so he thought. She didn't want anyone to know about them. She tainted something pure, by keeping it a secret. Elliot, though completely against it, caved for his angel. He tried to hold on to her, to remind her of who she was. But sadly, he was holding on to his memories of her and turned a blind eye to everything she did. All because she was the love of his life, and she's been through more crap than anyone else.

They dated in secret for 3 years, and out of respect for Lexi's wishes, he didn't even tell his twin about it. Though it broke a piece of his soul every time he lied to his friends and family, the smile on Lexi's face made it worth it. That was until he lost everything.

When they started high school, Nathan started getting into more and more fights, unable to deal with his father's absence. He got angry at everything, at his dad, his mom, his stepdad, his sisters, as well as his friends. He found solace with fighting, drinking, and screwing around. Even though they tried to stop him, they weren't successful. Through the good, bad and ugly, they had promised each other, and that was exactly what they did. They supported them, consoled him, helped him grieve. But after the incident with Dylan Thompson, where he called Mrs. Walker a whore, and taunted Nathan about how easy it was for his father to leave her, punches were thrown. Elliot was not surprised that the first punch was his. However, once the fight was broken apart, Nathan was no longer to be seen, and they knew better than to go look for him. He needed his space, and they gave that to him.

It was a little over midnight, when Nathan showed up at Elliot's house, hungover, eyes puffy, and exhausted. He told them about where he went and how Alexis followed him, and how she threw herself on him, and he didn't stop her and went along with the flow. He slept with Alexis Stewart. His Alexis. Nathan's words were ringing in his ears, and despite not being religious, he prayed to every single God, to wake him up from this nightmare. He didn't even realize that he was crying till they all started freaking out.

That's when he broke. He opened like a dam and spilled everything. Everything about him and Alexis, their relationship, his love for her, and how she finally stomped on his heart like he meant nothing. Hearing his story, Nathan broke down too, the fear of losing his best friend fresh in his mind. But it wasn't his fault. It was never Nathan's fault. It was Elliot and Alexis's fault, that lead to his doom.

His Angel was no longer his, and for the first time, he chose to let her go.

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