22. Bad guy

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This is just a dream. Or nightmare, anything works. Any minute now, my alarm is going to start blaring "Sometimes I got a feeling", and I'm going to wake up. Any minute now.

But alas, that didn't happen. The universe has got something against me. I mean come on, dude. It's just morally wrong to kick someone when they are down. Damn you karma, stop circling me, bitch. I can give you the name of 10 other people who deserve this way more than I do.

Although, most would argue with that theory. Citing examples of the time I put the chewing gum on Cal's hair. In my defence, he was bugging me. Or when I flushed dad's shoes down the toilet and blamed Bailey, or when Jay pissed me off, and I wrote a hate letter to his crush in the 4th grade. Or when I-

"Is she okay?" An annoying voice broke my inner monologue.

"Ya, she gets like this at times. Starts reminiscing about her evil conquests and announces it out loud, without even realizing it," Nate's slightly amused tone got my attention. Wasn't he just mad at me? Bipolar much?

"Wait. Did you guys hear what I just said?" I asked, suddenly feeling violated.

"Yep. You really are something else, Zoey Hart," Oli said with a chuckle, ruffling my hair.

"Hey, watch it. No messing with the hair, unless you're ready to deal with the consequence," I muttered, swatting his hand away.

"Umm, excuse me? Can you both get a room? God, Nate. I can't believe you used to date this basket-case," Coral interrupted.

I clenched my fist to avoid punching her. Just give me one more reason, bitch. I dare you. Sensing my anger, Oli's hands instinctively wrapped around mine, in an attempt to calm me down.

My eyes drifted to Nate's face, and his face hardened, looking at our hands. "I'll catch a ride with her. I'll see you guys at the party," he replied angrily and walked away.

That's the second time you walked away from me today, Nate. And it fucking hurts the same.

"Idiot. You are both idiots." My eyes shot to Oli's in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just that you both are idiots. Let's go. The others will meet us at the party," he replied, effectively changing the topic.

Sighing, I followed him, clearly not in the mood to argue back.

By the time we reached their house, the party had already started. Oli held my hand and led me inside.

"Beer, right? I'll go get us the drinks. Wait here," he shouted in my ear, before making his way inside.

Deja vu.

I saw Nate standing across from me with a bottle in his hand, and no Coral nearby. He made his way over and stood next to me.

"Your boyfriend left you alone already? What did you do, crush his heart?" Nate whispered in a rude tone.

Fighting back the tears that were threatening to fall, I moved away from him, creating distance between us. "He's my friend. Like how Coral was to you," I bit back.

You know what? Screw you, Nate. You wanna be a little bitch, the go-ahead. Two can play this game. Bitch on.

His eyes hardened, as he glared at me.

"Funny, how you go from being in love with someone to getting a new girlfriend within months." I get that I hurt him, but isn't he trying to do the same?

He stood in front of me, our bodies almost touching. He raised his hand and tucked in a stray strand of hair, and rested it on my cheek. His other hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Oh, how I had missed his touch. His fingers trailed my face and stopped on my lips. He licked his lips, his eyes fixed on mine. That was so damn hot. As he leaned in closer, I felt my eyes close, inhaling his scent, and just getting lost in this feeling. Our lips were almost touching. Just a little bit closer.

Bet my Life (EDITING!!) #BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now