Chapter Three

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Hey! Song for this chapter is "Bubblegum Bitch" by Marina and the Diamonds. This is a work of fiction, not meant to imply anything about anyone or any organization mentioned. 

Despite leaving home at the age of fourteen, Louis liked to think his mother raised him well. He tried to treat others with as much kindness and respect as his smart-ass attitude would allow. Jay Tomlinson would not be happy with how Louis treated Harry.

Louis didn't take shit from anyone, least of all stuck up transfers with a dire need for an attitude adjustment. After Harry bumped into him, he had the nerve to look down on Louis? Literally looked down at Louis. Harry may be tall, but he can't be so tall he has to gaze down his nose at Louis. Harry then had the audacity to offer a shirt to Louis? Louis was a professional, thank you very much, so he obviously had an extra shirt. Just because Harry came from London, that didn't mean he was some posh gentleman. He was a pretentious dick.

Apparently, Eleanor didn't get the memo that Harry was to be avoided at all costs, and waxed poetic about him at lunch.

"Louis, his technique is flawless. I was watching him at barre and it's like that boy has feet crafted by the gods." Eleanor said, gesturing with her hands for emphasis. Louis just rolled his eyes at her.
"Listen El, I know he was sweet to you but he's a total dick. Trust me." Louis responded, receiving a death glare from Eleanor.

"He spilled water on you. On accident. It wasn't like he tripped you or put glass in your shoes."

"You didn't see how he talked to me! It was like I was some charity case! I don't need charity from some English man." Louis replied, saying the last part in a horrible attempt at an English accent. Eleanor looked at him, unimpressed.

"Whatever, Lou." She muttered, packing up her orange and water bottle. "We gotta head to the studio for casting assignments." Eleanor started to walk away, leaving Louis to rush after her. She was totally falling for Harry's shit. He probably complimented her turnout or something during warm up class. Dancers couldn't resist flattery.

By the time Louis and Eleanor entered the main studio for casting assignments for the fall program, about half the company had already arrived. They spotted Gigi waving from the back of the studio, gesturing to the empty spots next to her. Louis and Eleanor walked over, both taking a seat on either side of her.

"Where the hell were you during lunch, G?" Louis asked. It's not like Gigi to skip a chance to gossip and drink her daily iced coffee.

"Oh, I was down in the costume department," Gigi replied, "I needed to grab some new pointe shoes and just decided to sew them down there."

"You mean you decided to sew them with Zayn." Eleanor smiled, raising her eyebrows at her. Zayn was one of the costume designers down in the basement, and he was 'unfairly gorgeous'. Gigi's words, not Louis'. Gigi has had a bit of a thing for him since they joined the company four years ago, but has never admitted it. Louis and Eleanor were coming close to a confession. It's been years of wearing her down, she can't deny it much longer.

"He looked lonely. I didn't want to make him eat alone in a cold basement." Gigi protested, avoiding eye contact with either of her friends. She was a horrible liar.

"Whatever you say G." Louis laughed, body tensing when he saw who walked in the door. Fuckface Styles. Louis was hoping he had found a reason to quit after lunch. Damn. Louis quickly looked away from his tall frame, green eyes scanning the room presumably for a place to sit. Styles just needed to head to the back of the studio where he belonged. Of course, the lovely Ms. Calder didn't understand this.

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