Chapter Twenty Four

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Three Years Ago

Looking up at the Royal Opera House, Harry felt a shiver going up his spine. A shiver of excitement, because it was his second year here at the Royal Ballet, a fresh faced nineteen year old. He was hoping to get promoted this year from the Corps, especially after being given so many featured roles in last years' program.

Harry walked into the studios, lit up with purple lights that reflected off the walls. He settled into his barre spot on the wall, watching some of the world's most accomplished dancers do the same in front of him. A smile crept across his face as he put his left leg up on the barre. He turned to his barre-neighbor Florian, who looked back at him with a sneer. Florian was from Belgium, moving to train at the school at the ripe age of twelve. Seeing as Harry had known him for the last five years, they should probably be better friends. All Harry really knows is that Florian is dating Chloe, a soloist and his pas de deux partner. Harry thinks it's romantic, and would love to tell Florian that sometime.

The last time Harry tried speaking to him, Florian fiegned only speaking German. Harry watched him turn to Chloe, speaking to her in perfect English. Harry hates his life sometimes.

It wasn't that any of the company was mean to Harry. They all treated each other like co-workers and nothing more. Except Joey.

Harry met Joey his first day at the Academy, when he was greeted in his dorm room with a mop of unruly brown hair, and a smile full of tin and rubber bands.

"You must be the roommate then!" Joey said, a welcoming smile across his face. "I'm Joey."

"M' Harry," he replied, shaking Joey's outstretched hand. "Nice to meet you."

"I know who you are," Joey rolled his eyes. "Mister YAGP champion."

Harry blushed. Most dancers knew him because he won the Youth American Grand Prix the previous year in New York, the word championships of ballet, essentially. It was a big deal, mainly because Harry didn't come from a massive school, just a random place in Ohio with an amazing teacher. A teacher who was so excited Harry was coming to the Academy, she threw a British themed party.

"Tell me about you then." Harry replied, dropping his bags on his bunk bed. "Since you already know me."

Joey smiled, taking a seat on his bed, swinging his feet back and forth.

"Well, I'm from Austrailia." Joey said, accent popping out. "It's my second year here, came on scholarship from YAGP." YAGP's big prizes were scholarships and contracts to the biggest schools in the world. That's how Harry got here, too.

"Australia." Harry whistled. "Pretty far from home."

"I could say the same about you." Joey replied, brown eyes shining. "American and all."

"That obvious?" Harry asked, brushing a stray curl off his forehead.

"I told you," Joey explained, "know all about you."

From there, Joey and Harry got along like a house on fire. Despite being from different sides of the world, they found common ground in their pasts. Both boys had been bullied pretty badly back home, and were glad to be among other boys like them. Joey introduced Harry to all his classmates, including Genia, another Australian Joey was enamoured with. He desperately wanted to be her partner, but she was tall, and Joey was scrawny. It was a star-crossed romance if Harry had ever seen one.

The two boys messed around in the halls, pranking their classmates. They went to the weight room together, Harry trying to motivate Joey with the possibility of being Genia's partner. They watched classes through the windows, especially the boys a couple years above them.

I Don't Love You (And I Always Will)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora