Chapter Thirty Three

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Hey! As usual, hope you enjoy! Votes and comments mean the world. The playlist for this fic is on Spotify under the same name :)


"Hey, Louis?" Niall asked from the kitchen, sounding warier than usual.

Louis was in the living room, watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians from the beginning again, periodically yelling at the screen. He was doing well.

"Yeah?" Louis called, halfheartedly paying attention to Kendall and Kylie arguing over a pair of shoes on screen. They reminded him of Lottie and Fiz.

"Does it smell like smoke to you?" Niall asked. Louis sniffed, and it did smell a little bit. Maybe Niall burned something cooking, or one of the neighbors left an iron on. Zayn leaves behind a cigarette odor every now and then.

"A little, why?"

"Because our kitchen is on fire." Niall said, backing into the living room as Louis sprung up from the couch, panic taking over his body.

"WHAT?" Louis screeched, staring at the flames coming from the stove. "PUT IT OUT!"

"Where's the fire extinguisher?" Niall cried, frantically running from room to room. Louis rushed into the smoky kitchen, retrieving the red canister from under the sink and spraying white foam at the fire. Eventually the embers faded, Louis standing in front of the stove panting. Niall ran up behind him, holding a cup of water he poured from the bathroom. Helpful. "So what are we doing about dinner?"

"I am going to kill you."


Louis and Niall would have to stay out of the apartment for a few days while their kitchen was fixed. The walls were scorched, and their appliances would have to be replaced. Thank god Louis had gotten renter's insurance, otherwise they would both be broke and living on the street. As it was, they were just living on the street. 

Louis was living on the street, anyway. Niall was staying with Barbra uptown, and Louis wandered around Manhattan with his black leather duffle bag slung over his shoulder. He could crash on the girl's couch, but things there were still silted from their fight last week. Louis could call Zayn, but he lived in a studio apartment with no couch. The whole apartment was very strange, and designed to keep people out. Liam's was still being "fumigated", and Ed was probably still peeved over Louis running out of the pub a couple days ago. Which leaves Harry.

Harry, who had a comfortable guest room, unlike his mother, his only other option. Harry, who he was still technically friends with. Or, should be friends with. Sure, they hadn't been speaking for the last few days. Maybe he had been upset about Louis ending their "benefits" but they could still be friends.

Louis called his mother. The gods were truly laughing down on him today, since she told him she was already hosting his aunt that week, leaving the couch occupied by Lottie.

Louis' phone burned in his hands. He knew he had to call Harry. Otherwise, he would be paying exorbitant amounts for a hotel room, or sleeping on the street in below freezing temperatures.

Harry answered on the second ring, confusion obvious in his tone.


"Hey, Harry." Louis chuckled, running his hand through his hair nervously as he paced through a park nearby. "I wouldn't be calling unless it was like absolutely necessary but-"

"Your apartment burned down." Harry said. "Niall told me."


"You need a place to crash?"

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