Chapter Four

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Merry Christmas Eve, and Happy Birthday Louis! Song for this chapter is "Plastic Hearts" by Miley Cyrus. Disclaimer: This is a work of FICTION and not meant to imply anything about anyone or any organization in the work. Enjoy!

It was Thursday, and they were three days into rehearsals for Apollo. It was not going well.

"Louis, would you PLEASE move." Harry said, attempting to dance in the three feet of space that Louis was giving him. Turns out Tiny Ass Man's name was Louis Tomlinson, which he only knew because Eleanor told him while complaining about what a dumbass Tiny Ass Man was. Louis still hadn't spoken to him since The Hallway Incident.

"Gigi, would you tell Styles here that if he wants more space than he can move to the back of the studio. Where he belongs." Louis forced out in a sugary sweet tone. Gigi honestly looked like she might murder him.

"Louis. I'm not dealing with this shit," Gigi spat. "I'm not kidding. I will go to Cowell and quit this program if you keep it up." And with that, Gigi turned away to go run through her variation with Eleanor on the other end of the studio. All the girls had slowly left the boys after hitting their limit with Louis. Harry was surprised Gigi had lasted fifteen minutes today. Eleanor lasted three.

Louis watched Gigi leave and huffed. At this point, Harry wanted to dropkick him to Canada. He probably could. Harry had strong legs, and Louis was the size of a grape. Louis just started rehearsing again, back to Harry. Harry could leave, or go rehearse with the girls, but he wasn't letting Louis win that easily. Harry started dancing the same part of the variation, just close enough to Louis to irritate him, and just a bit faster than Louis was dancing it. Nothing annoyed dancers more than timing issues.

Louis watched Harry in the mirror while they danced, not wanting to make eye contact with him. He had a deep scowl on his face, blue eyes flashing with anger. Harry could tell how much Louis wanted to turn around and scream at him but that included a.) looking at him, and b.) talking to him. Before Louis could make his decision, Cowell came through the wooden doors.

"Okay! Everyone but Edwards and Horan out! I want to see the Act III Pas de Deux." Simon said, not looking up from his clipboard once. Niall and Perrie rushed to the front of the room, Perrie's pointe shoes clunking against the marley as she pulled on her light blue practice tutu. Harry started making his way out of the studio, walking as quickly as possible. If he had to be in a room with Louis for one more minute, he might pull a Tonya Harding and fuck up his knee with a crowbar. Or something like that.

They were probably released for the day since it was about six. But the idea of going home to his empty apartment was not appealing. Harry didn't have a roommate, so he was renting a tiny, shitty apartment alone a few blocks from Lincoln Center. He was pretty convinced there was a ghost in his bathroom, but that would have to be ignored. Maybe he could call an exorcist or something. The toothpaste in his bathroom couldn't be moving on its own.

Before Harry could pull out his phone to google a local ghost-busting service, Gigi started walking down the hall next to him. To be honest, Harry was kind of scared of her. They hadn't talked one on one yet, and Harry was just hoping she didn't insult him.

"So Harry, you're new in town right?" Gigi said, a mischievous smile on her face.
"Yeah, just moved in last week," Harry replied. "might be moving apartments again soon though." He mumbled through the last part. Gigi probably wouldn't believe there was a ghost in Harry's bathroom.

I Don't Love You (And I Always Will)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora