Chapter Thirty

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Harry was going to die.

Harry was going to die because Louis Tomlinson was going to kill him. Harry should've known that bewitching smile would be the death of him.

"You coming?" Gemma called out to Harry, already halfway down the block, arms linked with Louis'.

"Yes." Harry grunted, shoving his hands in his pockets like a petulant toddler.

See, Harry's family had come to visit for the holiday. It was a huge deal, because Gemma had just had her baby (adorable Edward), and parted with him to make the trip down here. Harry had been very grateful, until she opened her mouth.

Christmas had been lovely, Harry and his family huddling on his couch to watch Love, Actually. It was quiet and calm, just what everyone needed. Bernard didn't even make an appearance!

Harry had to perform on the 26th for the matinee, just like Louis, so they decided to come. But Harry might have talked about Louis a little too much the past couple days. Gemma had been mocking him relentlessly.

They told Harry they'd be waiting for him outside the stage door, but Louis got to them first. Curse Harry's extensive after-show skincare. It's not his fault the foundation was drying.

Now, he was watching Louis and Gemma chat like old friends, while his mom looked on fondly.

Harry would be lying if he said a small part of him didn't enjoy this. The two most important parts of his life are combining, but that's a lot of pressure. He hasn't felt like this since his family met Nick a couple years ago.

Which he really shouldn't feel. Nick was his long term boyfriend. Louis is his friend that he hooks up with sometimes. They should not feel the same.

And yet they did.

"Louis seems like a nice boy." Harry's mom, Anne, whispers to him as they walk.

"Yeah, he is." Harry nods, watching Louis throw his head back in laughter over something Gemma said.

"I'm glad you've made friends here, darling." Anne says, squeezing his hand. "And you're not an ocean away from home anymore."

"That I am not." Harry laughed, shaking his head.

They arrived at the restaurant soon enough, and the staff had no issues adding another place setting for Louis. He apologized to the staff several times. Harry didn't find it endearing.

Harry and Louis sat next to each other, across from the two women. After their drink orders had been taken, Harry waited for someone to say something embarrassing. Thankfully, his mom saved him.

"So Louis, when did you start dancing?" Anne asked, placing her hands in her lap.

"When I was four." Louis beamed, his eyes getting that faraway look they got whenever he talked about his childhood. "I grew up here in the city, though, so I've gone to SAB my whole life."

"Oh, no way." Gemma gaped. "Harry went to this small school in the middle of nowhere Ohio."

"Really?" Louis asked, turning to raise an eyebrow at Harry. "I thought you went to the Royal Academy?"

"I did, just later." Harry explained, picking at his napkin. "I got a scholarship through YAGP when I was fourteen."

"I knew I recognized you!" Louis exclaimed, earning several glaces their way. "Flames of Paris, right?"

"Yeah." Harry nodded, a blush rising on his cheeks. That had been his first and last competition for many years, since the Royal students don't compete anywhere except the Prix de Lausanne.

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