Chapter Thirty Five

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Sorry for the absence! I'm back. 


The sky was still dark when Louis snuck out of Harry's apartment that morning, streetlights illuminating the sidewalk. It was mid-January, the coldest time of year in New York. Snow was falling delicately on the street, only to be plowed by the trucks in a couple hours. Louis enjoyed it while he could, trying to catch snowflakes in his gloves while he walked through the empty streets.

It only took a couple minutes to get to his destination, a coffee shop three blocks from Harry's apartment. Louis looked at his watch, the time reading 5:57 AM. He was three minutes early. Shouldering open the door, a bell rang overhead to announce his presence in the empty shop. There were only two workers present, both appearing to have been run ragged by their night shifts, which ended in an hour.

"Hey James!" Louis greeted the boy working the counter, hazel eyes lighting up upon seeing a familiar face. James was a stocky twenty year old, who had been working here for three years. His brown hair was cropped close to his head, his t-shirt too small for his broad shoulders. It was obvious he didn't have the money to buy new shirts post growth spurt.

"Morning, Louis." James smiled, dark circles framing his under eyes. He wiped his hands on his apron, standing to his full height. "Couldn't sleep again?"

Louis chuckled. "No, early morning meeting."

"What can I get you then?" James asked, starting to move towards the donut case. He knew Louis so well. "Coffee, donuts...?"

"Two chocolate sprinkle and a large latte should do it." Louis answered gratefully, reaching for his wallet in the pocket of his sweatpants. "Much appreciated."

"'Course." James nodded, swiping Louis' card. Louis put a five dollar bill in the tip jar, shooting James a smile.

"For a shirt that fits." Louis laughed, James flipping him off before he went back into the kitchen. Louis found a comfortable seat, a patchwork red couch the place had forever. He started coming to Millie's with his mother back when he was little. When he started with the NYCB, sleepless nights became more frequent. In turn, trips to the 24 hour coffee shop did as well.

The telltale ding of the doorbell rang out, an exhausted Nick Grimshaw appearing through the glass door. Louis pasted on a smile, waving him over. Nick took a seat next to him on the couch, putting his feet on the wooden coffee table in front of them.

"Interesting place, dear Louis." Nick observed. Interesting it was. The walls were painted a deep shade of maroon, the counters a contrasting cream color. String lights framed both picture windows in the front of the shop, remnants of Christmas the employees were too exhausted to take down. It always smelled of coffee and fresh dough, and Louis loved it here.

"Well, it's always open." Louis shrugged, blowing on his latte in it's to go cup. "I'm assuming this is about our last conversation?" Of course it was. Louis was nothing if not calculating, which came in handy right about now. He had his arch nemesis (no longer Mr. Styles) sitting across from him, and he would rather be literally anywhere else right now.

"You would be correct." Nick smirked, head cocking to the right. "I have an idea."

And it was in that small coffee shop, sacred to Louis, that Nick concocted the plan. A plan he intended for Harry's destruction, but he underestimated Louis. Louis would use it to destroy the man sitting beside him as the sun began to rise on the city, a glow of mischief and justice settling on Louis.

What could he say, he lived for the drama.


Louis came into the studio later that morning to the familiar sight of Gigi and El laying on the marley floors, a smile coming to his face. Everything had been so upside down lately, but at least he still had this.

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