Chapter Twenty Six

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Three Years Ago

Harry woke up elated. It was a beautiful Sunday in London, despite the rain pattering against his bedroom windows. The show last night had gone off without a hitch, and there was a pretty boy in his bed.

Nick was still snoring when Harry woke, always the early riser. The lavender sheets were tangled in Nick's long legs, and he was almost totally buried under the comforter. Harry stared, blinking repeatedly to ensure this wasn't some vivid dream. That Nick Grimshaw was very real, and very much in his bed.

After what was probably (certainly) too long staring at the older man, Harry extricated himself from the covers, padding quietly to the en suite bathroom. He washed his face, brushed his hair, and went through his whole skincare routine. Harry wasn't quite sure when Nick would be waking up, but if the snores told him anything, it wasn't anytime soon.

He crept out of the bathroom, shutting the bedroom door behind him when he left. Thankfully, Joey wasn't home as he went back with Genia last night. He would be gone most, if not all, of the day. Harry got to work in the kitchen.

It was small, but it fulfilled it's purpose. Since moving out of the dorms (and dining halls) of the Academy, Harry had gotten very into cooking. He tried to recall what he had seen Nick snacking on for breakfast at the studios, and in almost every memory, he was eating a breakfast sandwich.

Harry could make that happen.


Present Day


Harry wasn't sure if Bernard was gone, or giving him the silent treatment. Ever since the sage burning (and blowjobs) with Louis, the toothpaste remained unmoving. The lights stayed on.

Maybe Bernard was homophobic. He is pretty old.

Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn were all over for a lad's night. It was Harry's first time hosting since game night, and everyone was clearly a bit on edge. Whenever someone passed the bathroom, they ran, and everyone chose to use the guest bathroom on the other side of the apartment as opposed to Harry's en suite.

Harry had put in hours of preparation, making various types of chicken wings and appetizers. He also took a very expensive Uber across town to get Zayn's favorite craft beer. He would be Zayn's friend if it killed him. Or drained his bank account. Whatever happened first.

The lads were playing Fifa on Harry's XBox, which he really only had because of Joey. Harry hadn't touched it in two years, but he supposed it came in handy.

"Oh, move you wanker!" Niall squawked, shoving Louis on the shoulder while they played. Harry wasn't surprised to learn they took it seriously.

"In your dreams, Lucky Charms!" Louis yelled in rebuttal, earning a gasp from the Irishman. Liam and Zayn were cheering them on, and Harry was watching from the armchair in the corner. It was like being thrown into a zoo habitat.

"Kill 'em Lou!" Zayn cheered, showing the most emotion Harry had seen from him since-

Well, ever.

"Get the bastard." Liam said into Niall's ear, spurring him to score the final, winning, goal. All hell broke loose. Niall was screaming with Liam, jumping up and down on Harry's couch cushions. Louis was groaning with his face buried in a throw pillow, and Zayn was rubbing his back consolingly. Harry sat there.

Liam paused his celebrations to eat another buffalo wing.

"Nice job on these, Harry." He smiled, giving a thumbs up covered in orange sauce. Harry cringed when he licked it off, then put his hands back on the couch. Niall nodded in agreement with Liam, putting away what was probably his twentieth wing. The boy was a bottomless pit.

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