Where's Millie?

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A/N: just to let everyone know, because there are 2 Jacks in this story, I'm going to change the other Jacks name (from Addisons story) to Harrison as that is meant to be his last name. Enjoy

Millie held up one of her latest masterpieces to the light, letting the glitter shimmer throughout her whole picture.

Maybe she had put too much glitter?

Nah, never too much glitter.

Pressing her chubby little fingers, trying to tidy up the messy edges of her unicorn and rainbows, she blew the excess residue off.

Millie looked round the family room humming too herself, wandering who she could show the picture too. Alyssa and Ali, who she would usually flaunt her pictures too weren't home.

But Jack was.

As she strutted proudly upstairs, trying not to get her blue painted fingers on their pristine white walls, clutching into the bannister so she wouldn't fall, she ran down the corridor where Jack was.

But as Millie was going to barge in the door considering knocking wasn't really in her vocabulary, she heard Jack speaking to who she assumed, was one of his friends. Contemplate whether to interrupt him, she decided to wait outside until he was done. Of course it was never that easy.

She should have listened?


But did she listen anyway?


She slowly pressed her little ear against the door.

"................oh my days, she's getting on my neeerrrves" Jack groaned, dragging out the 'nerves.'

Millie furrowed her brows in confusion, she thought Jack loved her.

She did at least.

He was practically her older brother.

Not sure if she wanted to hear more, she pressed her ear against the door again.

".....................and those stupid pictures she keeps sticking in my face, like I DO NOT CARE, TAKE THE HINT" Jack yelled into the phone.

And that was the final straw.

Millies bottom lip stuck out, trying to refrain herself from crying.

But it was too late.

Big tears rolled down her chubby cheeks, as she rubbed them away, her eyes creasing and her little nose going red. Millie looked at her picture that she had drawn for him, those words playing in her head.


Having enough, she ripped up her picture and ran down the stairs.

Running though the kitchen. She sprinted through the red front door.

Jacks POV:
"Alright alright, thanks guys" I laughed over the phone to my four friends.

Alex, Harrison, Conor, Aiden and I usually hang out all the time.

But because of the rise in cases, it just isn't possible.

"It's alright, just let us know how it goes. And never speak to her again" Alex said.

"Yeah yeah I will. To be fair, I didn't think my ex would be flaunting all those photos of her new boyfriend all over Instagram. Like I said, I DON'T CARE, I LOVE ALYSSA"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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