Meeting him

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Alyssa smiled in satisfaction as she watched her boyfriend poking, teasing and joking around with her little sister Millie.

It had only been about 2 years since they had met but she couldn't picture her life without him.
Alyssa couldn't help but smile as she saw Millies face filed with pure joy and giggles as Jack swung her round the garden.

She could see her sister sticking her arms up and chorusing 'again again' while Jack playfully rolled his eyes and swung her round again.

Alyssa thought back two years ago when he walked into her life not realising the impact.

2 years earlier:

Alyssa giggles a little too loudly at her friend Maya's joke. She muffled her giggles as she tried to distract her lead from the teachers droning.

But her laughter and catch-up with her friend was rudely interrupted by the teacher.

"Miss Brooke, is that something you would like to share with the class or?" The teacher said, glaring at them both.

"No thank you miss, sorry" they both droned, getting back to their work.

"Thank you, now if I could get back to Pythagoras'-
Yes Mr Dean, is there a problem?" She impatiently said, stopping her lesson again.

"Err Miss, I can't see the board from here, can I move closer?" He asked which earned an exhausted sigh from the teacher.

"Very well Mr Dean" she said, turning back to the board, mumbling something about triangles.

Alyssa and Maya were too busy giggling to have actually heard that conversation, so Maya was shocked when she saw the hottest boy in the year coming towards their table.

"Omg, why's Jack coming over" Maya said, giving her friend 'the eyes'.

"Well maybe-

"Omg shush, he's coming over" nudging her friend.

They both straightened up a bit, straightening their hair through their fingers which they thought had gone unnoticed. But little did they know, Jack cracked a smile behind them from their cuteness, particularly the blond haired one.

He went and sat down next to Alyssa whom immediately blushed at his presence, or was she blushing because Maya kept nudging her and wiggling her eyebrows making her roll her eyes.

"Okay Class, I need to print out some more worksheets so can you all start with.... question five and six on page thirty"

"Oh my gosh, I JUST flicked to page thirty in one go!" Some boy just yelled from the front.

"Thank you Charlie, that'll make you pass your GCSE's" she mumbled in disappointment, walking out of the class.

Alyssa flicked to the page, took one look at the questions and started copying Maya's answers considering she had no idea what was going on. It was all fine until she felt a jab on her left.

She flinched and turned to see an innocent Jack doing his work.

Maybe it was just her imagination?

She shook it off and started 'working' again before she felt it again, this time it felt more prominently. And then she felt it again letting out a small squeal from ticklish ness.

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