Bad grade

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A/N: please check out Amyrose2016 stories. Tickle monster is my fav!!!! And I'm so sorry that this request took so long!!!!

"Millie what's wrong" Alyssa said, lifting up her young sister and hoisting her onto her lap.

Millie looked very upset. Usually she would be bouncing with excitement after a day at school, talking both her and Jacks ears off about the day. But today was different. Instead, she was quiet and barely said a word.

She rubbed her tired eyes and looked up at her older sister.

"My teacher is a meanie, she gave me a bad gwade even though I spent a long time on my picture" she said, holding up one of her many masterpieces.

Alyssa sighed at her little sisters dilemma, looking down at the girls big eyes, with tears threatening to fall. Even though something like that wouldn't even have bothered Alyssa, she knew how much Millie took pride in her drawings.

"Aww Millie don't worry, that teacher didn't even know what she was talking about, I'm sure she was just having a bad day. This drawing looks amazing!!!" She said, trying to make her sister feel better, and also trying to make out what the picture actually was.

But nothing she was doing was getting through to her.

So she resorted to drastic methods.

"Come on Millie, let's try and match your smile to the one you've got in your drawing!" Alyssa said.

Millie concocted her best attempt of the smile she had in the one she drew, but Alyssa wasn't putting up with this fake-ness.

"No no no, I want I real smile" she said, as she slowly crept her fingers round Millies sides, which caused her chubby little arms to shoot down to her sides, and her cheeky grin to appear.

Alyssa gently pressed her fingers into her sisters sides randomly while Millie shook her head in adorable laughter.

"That's right Millie, smile!" Alyssa teased. Looking down at Millies helplessly giggly state gave her flashbacks to when her older brother Ali used to do this to her when she was about Millies age. Although Ali was not nearly merciful as she was.

"LYYSSAHAHAAHH NAHAHAHAHAHOOOO" she squealed as her big sisters fingers expertly danced across her torso.

"Oh come on Millie, I'm just trying to- AHAHAHHA HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH" Alyssa squealed in laughter and retracted her fingers from Millie, darting her arms back down to protect her sides.

Did she even need it wonder who this was?

Through all her might, she turned around, whilst trying to pry the fingers off. Jack sat next to then on the sofa, smirking, holding in his own laughter as he drilled his fingers into Alyssa's sides.


"You'll what Miss Brooke?" He teased, saying that into her ear, so his breathe would bounce off her neck.

But Jacks fingers abruptly stopped, when Millie thought it was good idea to make a run. But Jack had been in this situation far to many times to not know the young girls tactics.

"Whoa whoa whoa" he said before scooping the girl up and invaded her neck with kisses making them as ticklish as possible.

He set her down in the middle of the sofa while him and Alyssa attacked her with tickles.

"GUUUAHAHHAYYYYSSS NAHAHHAOOOOOOO" Millie squealed as she tried to bat off the four hands that were ruining her. But four hands against her tiny two?

Not a chance despite her flailing arms.

But Jack, fed up of Millies constant moments, held up her arms securely in one, while Alyssa attacked her armpits.

Millie bucked in delight and her face was filled with pure etcasy. She shook her head in laughter when Jack moved his one hand to her stomach. He dug into her hip bone (gently) before fluttering his hands all over her stomach.

Fortunately, Jack had let go of Millies hands, but as she shot her hands down to try and pry away Jacks, Jack held both her arms to the side while he continued his assault.

"JAHAHAHAHACCCKKK PLEAHAHHAHASSSEEEEE" Millie begged, trying to sound cute so Jack would stop.

"Aww come on Mills, you have a lot of smiling to make up for." He said, stopping his tickling slightly, but mildly drumming his fingers over her torso to make her giggle softly.

"But Jack, you're so gwumpy in the mornings, how come you don't have to smile" Millie said, even though she shouldn't have as Jack narrowed his eyes at the girl, playfully mad. Alyssa restricted the urge to burst out laughing and wanted to high-five the girl for such a snappy comeback. Of course she learnt from the best. But unfortunately for Millie, she was the subject of Jacks revenge.

"Gwumpy?" He mimicked Millies accent. "I'll give you grumpy" he said, before shaking Millies ribs causing her to convulse in laughter. He expertly dug his fingers round Millies mid section which made uncontrollable giggles escape her lips.

But of course he went in for the kill. Seeing Millies unguarded neck gave him the idea. He blew a massive raspberry against her neck, while skittering his fingers all over her stomach.


This is what made Millie fall into silent laughter which made Jack stop.

It was clear she had forgotten about her bad homework which is all Alyssa wanted.

"Now Millie, if you go to bed now, maybe the tickle monster won't pay you a visit tonight" Jack said, causing the girl to run faster than Usain Bolt himself.

Jack looked next to him at his girlfriend half-heartedly laughing at Millies antics.

"And Jack, maybe if you go to bed now, beauty sleep would actually work" Alyssa said, earning the same look he gave Millie. Told you Millie had learnt her comebacks form the best.


"Alyssa you don't ever learn do you?" He teased, knowing full well she couldn't answer as his skilled fingers dug and poked all over her stomach. Her hands followed his as she tried to push his away with no avail.

Jack pulled Alyssa onto his lap which wasn't very hard considering she was giggling like mad and wasted no time in digging into her sides.

Kissing her neck with tiny raspberries while doing this caused Alyssa's laughter to be the only thing Millie heard.

Something told Millie that the tickle monster was paying someone else a visit instead of her.

Let me know if you enjoyed this chapter!!!!!!

Next time: Addisons flood damage to her house is fixed but she doesn't want to go back and will east her stay with the boys. When she refuses to admit this, the boys tickle it out of her.

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