Part 2

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Daksh straightened his face into his usual stoic and stern expression  because he did not want to show his plans for her right away. He wanted  to take his own time and relish unraveling her. mysterious persona.

"Hey Miss Whatever, what are you doing in my cabin?" he yelled, feigning his anger.

  "Excuse me? My name is Asmita Sharma and I am here to give my interview  for the post of Daksh Malhotra's personal assistant," replied Asmita,  firmly, wondering about the identity of the man standing in front of  her. She was flustered by the happenings of the past few moments and his  question had indeed touched the wrong nerve.

"Oh really? Do  you even know who is Daksh Malhotra?" he questioned, pushing his hands  into his pant pockets as he let his eyes ravel over her in a ravishing  manner.

"The receptionist had said that he would be in the  cabin," she replied, realizing as she spoke that she was speaking to the  boss indeed and looked up at him in a petrified manner. She was worried  if the previous mishap would cause her rejection but little did she  know that that little 'mishap' was going to seal her deal.

"I  think you have realized who he is. So please take your seat, Miss  Sharma," Daksh said, in a formal tone, as Asmita let out the breath she  was unintentionally and involuntarily holding and took her seat.

"So  Ms. Sharma, tell me something about yourself to begin with and we will  go into the interview proper," Daksh questioned, with a smirk stretching  itself upon his lips as he noticed the way she had been  hyperventilating, but for reasons quite contrasting to what he had been  expecting.

"Well, I am an orphan, Sir. My best friend is Sunita Gupta, she works in the other branch of DM Designs. I am quite reserved but I  love dancing and watching movies. I firmly believe the adage that 'work  is worship' and try to swear by it," she answered nervously, mildly  blushing as she spoke about herself, hoping that she had not gone  overboard with her introduction.

"Impressive and sorry to  hear about your parents, Ms. Sharma. I see that you were the college  topper by your documents so you are beauty with brains. Interesting," he  replied smirking. shocking her by his remarks about her beauty.


He  realized that he let his tongue slip under the influence of his instant  attraction towards her and diverted the topic,

"Do you have any  responsibilities or places to be at specific times? We will have to work  around the schedule if you have any prior commitments."

"No, Sir.  Like I said, I am an orphan and I live by myself in an rented home from  the past three months with my childhood friend Sunita," Asmita  explained, a part of her hoping that her destiny was merciful enough  towards her that she could have had a different answer to the question.

"Sorry,  looks like my question was not warranted for," exclaimed Daksh,  regretting for reminding her of her orphan status once again. He had  known the pain of being an orphan, being one himself, but he was lucky  to have a loving and supportive family with him and it seemed that the  lady in front of him was not so lucky.

"It's okay,Sir," Asmita replied, smiling weakly, trying to lighten up the atmosphere, as her innate nature commanded.

"Coming  to the next question, why exactly did you choose to give this job  interview? I mean, you could have many other jobs which would do justice  to your qualification," asked Daksh, eager to know more about her and  wondered if she would let out any information that could be helpful to  him in future.

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