Part 12

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"Hey, Amit! Um, can you, uh, do me a favor?" asked Daksh, uncharacteristically stuttering and fumbling, much to Amit's shock.

"Sure, Bhai! You don't need to ask," replied Amit, concern lacing his low tone. Amit could imagine nothing that would make Daksh Malhotra stutter nervously, and it piqued his curiosity to know what caused that unexpected eighth wonder to happen.

"Um, I bought this lehenga. For Asmita. She won't accept it from me, and she will not refuse you, so can you give this to her on my behalf?" requested Daksh, edgily and hesitantly. He did not want interrogation by his cousin about his interest in gifting something to Asmita if he was sure that she would not accept his gift.

"Asmita? Oh. Okay," replied Amit, trying to wrap his head around the answer provided by Daksh. "Sure. Sure, Bhai!" he added in a puzzled tone.

Daksh awkwardly and wordlessly nodded his head as he handed the box over to Amit, whose mind was still reeling with the piece of information provided by his brother.

"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Amit, not wishing to enter his private space and make Daksh more uncomfortable.

Daksh could not help the slightly smile while made its way onto his lips as he noted the undertone of understanding and concern in Amit's question. "Not now. Someday, definitely!"

Amit gave a gentle and assuring pat on Daksh's shoulder before carrying out his instructions. Asmita was discussing the wedding with Anisha when Amit called her aside.

"Planning for a secret rendezvous with your sweetheart, Bhai?" teased Anisha, winking mischievously at Amit, who shrugged his shoulders in response.

Amit forwarded the box towards Asmita, whose smile faded away and gave way to surprise to etch itself in her features.

"Is this for Sunita?" questioned Asmita, curiously.

"No, Asmita. This is for you," replied Amit, hoping that she would accept the gift like his brother expected.

"For me? But, why? This looks expensive!" retorted Asmita, looking at the peacock green embellished skirt with rich embroidery comprising resplendent crystals, undoubtedly of the highest quality, which dazzled even in the minimal light.

"This is my gift to my honorary sister-in-law! You should take it, Asmita. Please don't refuse," said Amit, thrusting the gift into her unwilling hands.

Asmita contemplated her decision as she stared at Amit incredulously. It appeared like it mattered to him greatly if she accepted the gift or not, and she did not want to disappoint him. The stunning and exquisite piece of perfection was tilting her decision towards acceptance.

"This is beautiful, Jijaji! Thank you so much!" replied Asmita, earnestly smiling at Amit. The smile widened when she saw him sighing in relief and letting out the breath he was unintentionally holding.

"Pleasure is all mine. Do you mind if I ask you something, Asmita?" questioned Amit, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. Much to his surprise, Asmita broke out in laughter.

"Don't tell me that this gift was a bribe for me to help you plan something for Sunita or something of that sort! Trust me, you don't need to bribe me!" replied Asmita, giggling teasingly.

"No, no, no. You got it wrong. The question is about you. Why did you leave the job at our company?" questioned Amit, wishing to quench his curiosity which had been troubling him since they informed him about her resignation.

Asmita's laughter died down and the comfort in her body language transitioned into discomfort as she turned stiff.

"That place, the people and the environment was not right for me, Jijaji. I value my dignity above all and I could not compromise on that," she answered solemnly and averted her eyes from Amit's scrutinizing ones.

"Excuse me," she muttered, and walked away before Amit could continue the conversation. Amit merely nodded, not knowing whether to laugh or lament at the irony of the situation.

The one woman truly desired and wanted by his brother had walked out on him. The man who never reformed himself was readily mellowing down in front of her, and yet it does not seem to work.

He was aware of the fatal attraction shared between Daksh and Asmita, and he could not help but wonder if it had transitioned into something more than that.

Daksh was busy welcoming the guests who had arrived to grace the joyous occasion of the engagement of Amit and Sunita. However, his eyes were searching for one woman whose presence never failed to tantalize his senses. He wondered if she would choose to wear the lehenga he had designed for her or if she would save that enchanting piece for the wedding.

He had learned from Sunita that Asmita had taken up the responsibility to bring their friends and caretakers from the orphanage, and that was the reason of her delay. She had also mentioned a certain male joining in to help them, and he recalled a particular male with whom Asmita had indulged in a rather engaging conversation in his office.

It laid his doubts and confusion to rest when Asmita ushered a few old ladies and a group of adolescent males and females through the gates of Malhotra Mansion. Although she had chose to not wear his gift, she looked breathtaking in the intricately embroidered rose Indo-Western fusion gown.

The tantalizing upward curve of her lips had returned after what seemed like eons of waiting. The flush of her cheeks matched perfectly with the hue of her dress and reignited the frenzy ardor which hid behind the haze of regret.

The beeline of guests making their way into the house stared at him in annoyance and curiosity as he shrugged his responsibility of welcoming them in, and showered his attention upon a divine damsel.

"Good evening, Mr. Malhotra!" greeted one of his client, braving the consequences of pulling Daksh out of his thoughts.

Daksh hummed in reply, nodding formally as he guided the client and his family inside without losing the sight of Asmita.

A masculine hand made its way around Asmita's shoulders, causing the transition of his state of mind from amour to anger in a split second. Asmita turned around and dug her face in the crook of his neck with a heartwarming smile which she never given upon him. It shrouded the identity of the man in mystery as he turned his back towards Daksh, but the identity did not matter as much as separating the two of them.

And Daksh Malhotra had vowed to do the same.

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