Part 16

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"Looks like you are suffering from a poor memory, Mr. Malhotra. Let me remind you if you have forgotten that you did not give me any time to pack my things or plan this out, so I do not even have my bare necessities," lashed Asmita, glaring at him venomously.

"Do you think there is a shortage of clothes in Malhotra Mansion? Open the wardrobe and wear whatever you want," Daksh replied, unbuttoning his blazer as he spoke as if he was commenting on the weather for the night.

She realized he had meticulously planned the entire blackmail, and he had prepared for her arrival as his bride as well. It made fury dance dangerously to tunes produced by her ego and self-respect that she had walked in the path laid down by Daksh Malhotra without fighting enough.

She had expected to see revealing dresses and lingerie in the wardrobe, but it surprised her when her eyes fell on the kurtas and sarees, mostly red, in the wardrobe. The unexpected happenings made her wonder if there was another side to the man she had recently wed, as he had carefully considered her preferences and her limitations. She picked up a simple white kurta and leggings for herself, knowing the implications of wearing the color red for the night, much to Daksh's annoyance.

All the time that she was changing, she was wondering if the plan was a part of something big.

Maybe to make her fall for him.

Maybe it was a trap for her to satiate his ego as she had rejected him twice in the past

Asmita moved towards the recliner as he had already made himself comfortable on the bed, much to his shock. The almost translucent white suit was reigniting the fatal attraction in him which was drowned under the newly developing feelings which ran deeper than the attraction.

Acting by his instincts, Daksh walked up to her and pulled Asmita by her waist causing her crash on his chest

"Leave me. Don't tell me you expected me to join you on the bed. I can't sleep beside you on the bed. You would take that as a chance to touch me."

Asmita squirmed in his grip, but he tightened his grip on her, much to her dismay.

"I don't need any reasons to touch you, darling! The shastras, which you revere so much, accept it as my right." Daksh claimed his mischievous and triumphant smirk had scared her regarding his intentions.

"Don't take advantage of the rather unfortunate situation, Mr. Malhotra!" she revolted, struggling determinedly in his grip.

"I may take advantage! I have the right! And who the hell addresses their husband so formally, sweetheart?" He questioned, tightening his grip on her waist. Her face flushed with fury, but for the man blinded by attraction, it appeared as though she was blushing because of their proximity.

"I will be a good husband and let you sleep on the couch but, I am also a business executive, and rather good at that. So, being a business executive, I need a good morning kiss from you every day for letting you sleep on the couch," He declared, brushing the back of his index finger against her cheek, relishing her soft skin.

Asmita's struggles intensified after hearing about his indecent deal. He was giving her more and more reasons to believe that the marriage was nothing more than a cover for his bruised ego to claim what she had denied. During the tussle, they had lost their balance, and they gravitated towards the bed, with Asmita landing atop of Daksh.

She was shocked for a moment because of the sudden fall, but she reconciled her strength and when she tried to rise from the uncomfortable position, she felt a tug on the marital chain which made them collide with their heads. Instead of caring for his pain, he caressed her forehead with a concerned and worried look, much to her surprise.

Their eyes traveled towards the reason Asmita could not get up and found that her marital chain had entwined with his shirt button. Asmita began to trying detangling the chain from his button, but it was of no avail. As they made the chain of thread, it had wound itself around the button and her position was not helping her in the quest of freeing herself.

"Couldn't you be nicer and help me with this chain, which you have tied against my will, Mr. Malhotra?" questioned Asmita, looking up at him as her eyes spit fire at him.

"See, darling, had it been your dress that I have to help you with, I would accept the honor, but I have no interest in helping you to free yourself as I like the situation it has put us in," replied Daksh as he winked at her, making fear swell in her heart, but she refused to show it on her face and make his ego swell more.

"Enjoying my predicament, aren't you?" remarked Asmita, tugging hard at the chain, but the intricate knot which had formed refused to break despite her every attempt.

"Well, I had heard the dialogue that if you wish for something earnestly, the entire universe conspires to get your wish fulfilled. When the Universe has conspired, what can a mere mortal like me to do except enjoy the marvel, sweetheart?" he replied, his arm making way towards her waist to pull her closer than she already was.

"Universe can conspire to create events, Mr. Malhotra, but it cannot make way for feelings to fill up in the heart nor can it tie a knot of love between hearts like it had tied this chain. I pity you, Daksh Malhotra, because this is the only thing you can enjoy. You will never enjoy the bliss of genuine love filling up your heart or intertwining of two souls," she mocked, derision and condescension in her tone whipping away his flirtatious smirk to replace it with a curious frown.

"There is no need to tie the knot, Asmita, since it is already tied. We are tied together, according to the institution most esteemed to you," reminded Daksh, looking straight into her eyes just as she broke the chain instead of trying to unravel it from the button.

"How I wish I could break every single knot tying us together, Sir. Unfortunately for me and fortunately for you, breaking them is not as easy as breaking this, with my hands tied with several chains," exclaimed Asmita, lifting herself from his body and making way towards the couch promised to her minutes back and there was little which Daksh could do or say after her speech filled with conviction, hurt and myriads of dark emotions.

That night meant for togetherness, a symbol of love, was spent with the couple separated by nothing but their deeds, with a flame of emotions burning in their heart, nothing akin to love.



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