Part 26

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Daksh had left Asmita's room after a message from Neerja which stated that it would be best if he did not appear in front of her till she spoke to her and Asmita calmed herself down.

The news of Asmita's revitalization brought Neerja to the room in which Asmita was resting in.

"How are you feeling now, Asmita?" she asked, concern lacing her voice.

"Better. I don't want to see his face ever again in my life. He did not change a bit!"

Asmita huffed in exasperation, reminiscing his words to her.

Neerja let out a sigh filled with disappointment. She had not expected Asmita to be pliant or accept her decision right away, but she knew she had chosen the path which would fulfill the desires of two people waiting for the reciprocation of their feelings.

"Contrary to what you feel, I think you should be his counselor," she said, her face moulding into a serious look.

Asmita shot her an incredulous look as surprise filled her mind. Neerja had known her well, and she was her counselor. Asmita wondered what had brought her counselor, who knew everything about Daksh and her, to ask her to be his counselor. It sounded like an outrageously ridiculous idea to Asmita.

"How could you ask me to continue being his counselor after knowing our history and knowing what happened today, Neerja? Are you out of your mind?" asked Asmita. She could not wrap her head around the advice given by Neerja. She wanted her to counsel Daksh? On his guilt and grief? About her?

"Asmita, Vikas and I had been trying our best to restore normalcy in your life for the past eight years, but we have been unsuccessful We feel we have found a cure to your heartache. This is not about you or about him, it is about both of you. Many times the cures which doctor's offer are not acceptable, but they are the only ways to cure, Asmita. Trust me, we have the best intentions for you in our mind," said Neerja, her composed and collected aura compelling Asmita to give in to her words.

"Even Vikas feels the same?" she asked, knowing that Vikas would accept nothing which might be harmful for her.

"Even Vikas feels that this is the best idea. You would be Daksh's redemption and he, your salvation," she said, praying that her words turn true soon and free her from the torment of seeing her beloved in love with another woman. She had seen the same torment in Daksh's stormy eyes, and empathy had sprouted in her heart from the very instant.

Flashes of that haunted marriage played on the canvas of her mind. "What if he hurts me again, Neerja? I am not ready to bear that pain again!"

"He will not, Asmita. If you don't trust me on this trust, at least Vikas. And if you cannot trust him either, trust your destiny," she said, her hand cupping Asmita's shoulder gently. Asmita turned away from Neerja and looked through the window as memories flooded her mind.

"If not for him, I would have trusted both my destiny and the God, Neerja. My belief in destiny and God wavered the day he forcibly married me after trying to force himself on me on two separate events and I completely lost my belief when I had to leave everything I love behind to ensure that I left the one who ruined my life behind!"

Her mind was a turbulent storm and yet her eyes remained as calm as the sea before the storm.

Neerja walked up to her and stood beside her, looking out like Asmita.

"Maybe that was how Destiny desired for it to happen. If he was the one who took your belief away, maybe he would be the one to reinstate it back. Maybe that is why Vikas and I have been trying for years, but our efforts were futile. It feels like a play of destiny," she said, her eyes distant with a whimsical smile.

Asmita looked at Neerja. The therapist extraordinaire beside her was a woman who never lost hope, no matter what the destiny did with her. Her ever optimistic nature and compassionate persona were probably the reasons she had succeeded in her career and chose it.

"Hopefully so, Neerja. I will trust the two of you. But remember one thing, if he hurts me this time, no matter who tries, you cannot pull me out of the vortex of depression and pain he will leave me in," she said and gave Neerja a firm look before she walked out.

Neerja took a deep breath. She did not trust Daksh, but she could see the flame burning in him. Burning him. She was well-acquainted with the raging flame of obsession. After all, the same merciless fire was turning into her pyre before Daksh Malhotra walked in and gave her the means of escape and claiming the man she loved.


Malhotra Mansion,

Daksh walked in to see Sunita, Amit and Anisha discussing him. They were trying to contact people who might know his location, and they seemed worried sick.

"Bhai? Where were you?" asked Amit, rising from his seated position.

"Hospital. I met Asmita," he said, and saw shock etching into the features of the members in front of him.

He saw a smile appear on Sunita's face after years. She blamed herself for what happened with Asmita and plunged herself into guilt.

"How is she? What was she doing in a hospital?" she questioned, desperate to know about her sister like Asmita.

"She is Maya Singh, now. The well-known therapist. She is Vikas' wife," he said in one breath. Everything had changed since Asmita left his home. The situation forced him to reveal the details of his marriage, which caused a heart attack to his grandmother and she had soon expired, unable to bear the shock.

"Vikas? Our childhood friend?" asked Sunita.

"Yes. Vikas Singh. Now, if I can rest for a while. I had a panic attack in her presence and had to get admitted to her clinic. I have a throbbing headache, so if you don't mind!"

The one who ensured that he never faced failure of any kind was facing the biggest failure - failing to be a human.


Neerja and Daksh = Neurotic and Delusional -_-

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