Chapter 23: Of Revelations And Explosions

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Edward chomped down on the inside of his cheek as he pulled Micheal down behind a fallen table, out of sight of Radiex, who chuckled darkly. How? How, how, how did Radiex know?! Micheal growled and looked positively livid, making to get up. Edward hauled him back down roughly. What, did the guy have a death-wish?!

"Where do you think you're going?" He hissed.

"Someone needs to stop him!" Micheal replied. Edward squawked.

"Uh, yeah, the hero's maybe! Not you!" The club's other patrons screamed when another blast rang out, the club filling further with dust.

"Come out, come out, Ant-Boy!" Radiex taunted, and Gods was his voice annoying. He needed to think of something and fast. Typically he'd tuck and run. A sort of 'not my circus' mentality. But now? Now Mike was here, in danger, and Edward would sooner eat his own boot than let anything happen to him.

"Ok, listen to me–" He was cut off by another blast blowing away their cover and a hand wrapping around his neck, knocking him back roughly to the floor a good few feet away. He wheezed, glaring up at Radiex, who straddled his chest, grinning wildly.

"Well, ain't it nice to see you again," Radiex said, almost casually. Edward sneered.

"Can't... say... it is..." He struggled to push Radiex off of him, but the other villain had clearly learned from his mistakes after their last fight, and he wasn't giving Edward any leverage. Radiex tsked, one hand reaching down to pat Edward's chest.

"Y' look nice tonight, all dressed up. This color really fits you." Edward would have gagged if he could. What, choking him wasn't bad enough? The guy had to feel him up, too?

"" Edward coughed out. Radiex smiled wider, tilting his head.

"What, y' don't remember me? Why don't y' think real hard, Doll?" Edward's face scrunched up in confusion. Doll? He gaped, eyes wide. No. No way–


"GET OFF OF HIM!" Edward sucked in a breath as Radiex (Damian. Of COURSE it was Damian!) was knocked off of him, Micheal throwing the villain to the floor and wrestling with him.

"MIKE!" Edward shouted hoarsely, coughing. Oh man, oh man, this wasn't good!

"Come on, Doll! How's about you come and stop me?" Radiex asked, and he threw a punch, hitting Micheal square in the face. The man faltered, only for a second, but it was all Radiex needed to get the upper hand, landing blow after blow. Edward screamed out, running at Radiex full speed and tackling him into the bar, civilians shouting in terror. Who cares if his secret is out?  Who cares if everyone finds out who he is? This guy, Damian the scumbag, just HIT Mike. HIT HIM. NO ONE HITS MIKE.

"I'M GONNA ROAST YOU LIKE A CHRISTMAS HAM!" Edward snarled, eyes lighting up orange as his mouth filled with smoke, hands igniting. This was the last time Damian stuck his nose where it didn't belong. The last time he hurt Mike. He grabbed Radiex by the front of his black suit and yanked him forward, delighting in the flicker of fear in the man's blue eyes.

"You messed up for the last time." He hissed lowly before blasting Radiex back, liquor bottles exploding. He ran, little blasts from his feet destroying his shoes and propelling him forward. Radiex was standing again when Edward was on him with a roundhouse kick, flaming fists flying. He grunted when Radiex shot a purple blast to his chest, throwing him onto a table, which splintered under him. A woman screamed from next to him, and he glared at her.

"OUT! All of you get OUT!" He ordered. Everyone obeyed save for one person. Mike was on his hands and knees, face bruised and bleeding, his lip split, and his expression one of pure betrayal. Edward felt his heart squeeze painfully in his chest at that look, those greens eyes impossibly wide.

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