Chapter 30: The End Part III

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If you asked Micheal how he ended up here, he'd tell you he honestly had no idea. He was a hero; This meant that risking his life and ending up in compromising situations were nothing new, but here? Now? This was distinctly different. Why? He couldn't be sure. Maybe it was because he actually had personal connections with the woman whose chest he'd just smashed in, or maybe it was because the man he loved lay injured (dead?) in the streets below. Whatever it was, this felt different. This felt like, whatever happened in the end, would change his life permanently.

If you asked Pam how she ended up here, she'd blame it on Ed because he was nothing if not a trouble magnet. Of course, she supposed that this time, it was actually Micheal's fault. Or maybe this was on both of them. Either way, she'd just landed a stolen police helicopter on a roof while her best friend fought one of the nastiest villains she's ever seen, and something in her gut was telling her that this time, things weren't going to end well. Pam was a motherly person by nature; She had this weird ability to sense when Ed was getting into trouble, and she always worried about him and patched him up when he needed it. When Mike came along, Pam quickly took a liking to him and found she could sense when he was getting into trouble, too. Now, as she watched a bright yellow light flash through the sky, she had an aching feeling that they were both in danger.

If you asked Carla how she ended up here, she'd tell you that it was her dumbass friend's fault and go on a rant about how he was always causing her trouble because she had a reputation to uphold and couldn't let anyone see just how scared she was. Because of Mike, she did crazy things all the time, like how she'd just help steal an entire helicopter simply because her friend's boyfriend had asked. She'd patched up injures, helped him through nightmares, aided in evacuating a city, and was now prepared to take on a villain that kind of scared the shit out of her all because she was friends with the Micheal Karlstin. It was worth it, though, because Mike was probably one of the best friends you could ask for, and he was currently hurling himself from the freaking sky, body glowing with lightning. She watched, stood next to an equally shocked Pam, as a pair of blinding wings erupted from his back, static charging the air as a silent boom echoed through the sky, shaking the ground and nearly making Carla fall to her knees, dark clouds hanging overhead. As Micheal hit the ground in a violent and earth-shaking fashion, the first snow began to fall.

Micheal let all of his anger and fear pour out as the ground approached, tears stinging his eyes as he pressed down harder to the rune whose glow had dimmed, thin cracks running through it. He pushed himself to the brink as he used every last drop of energy to power him, barely feeling the electric zing that zipped through him as glowing wings sprouted from his back. Visne watched him with a distant look, lips quirked up slightly, and the fact that she could still smile after everything she'd done just enraged him further.

"Didn't know you had it in you." She rasped, her smile growing. It was the last thing she said before they hit the ground in a furious collision, the glass of buildings shattering for at least a mile, car alarms blaring, and asphalt and concrete tearing to shreds like paper. Almost three miles away from the blast, and still, Carla and Pam ducked as the ground shook, bones rattling.

"MICHEAL!" Carla shouted, eyes wide, and ran forward without a second thought, Pam close behind her.

Micheal moaned, eyelashes fluttering against dirty skin as he struggled to figure out what happened. He was laying on something hard, and his entire body hurt, his head especially- like someone had stuck an icepick into his brain. Shifting with a groan, he sat up slowly, coughing in the midst of all the dust and smoke. He blinked, turning, and saw Visne's body lain limp and lifeless, her chest a mess of blood and broken bone, her eyes dull and her lips still upturned. Just as a precaution, he checked her pulse, but she was certainly dead. He thought maybe some part of him should feel saddened, but he only felt relief. He coughed again, struggling to stand and failing, nearly falling face-first into the destroyed ground. This part of the city had been utterly wrecked, looking like something out of a post-apocalyptic movie. The buildings immediately around him leaned crookedly, metal groaning ominously as it struggled to hold. The street and sidewalk were practically gone, shredded in some parts, blown away completely in others, broken pipes spewing water and dirt swirling. Smoke and dust were thick, choking him and stinging his eyes, and he felt so tempted to lay down and fall unconscious. His work was done, after all. Visne was dead, Pam and Carla were safe, the city was evacuated, and Ed– He gasped painfully, sitting up on his hands and knees and looking around in a panic, Edward nowhere in sight.

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