Chapter 25: The Past Packs A Punch (And It's Gonna Leave A Mark)

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Edward sniffled into the blanket from where he was curled on his side, cape laying next to him as he blankly stared at the TV screen, clicking past channel after channel.

"Oh, Ryan, I love you. You're a fool, but I love you!"


"So let me get this straight; You need me to pretend to be your date at the upcoming party?"


"You cheated on me! You selfish–!"


"Which lucky man will get the rose tonight? Find out now–" With a groan, Edward turned the TV off, wishing he could just sink into the couch and forget about everything. He glanced at the clock, noticing that it had been over an hour since Pam left. He wondered if maybe she would leave him too, then promptly kicked himself for even considering. Pam was amazing; she'd never do that. She was probably in the process of dragging Mike around by his ear and scolding him to tears. The thought brought a small, evil smile to his face as he imagined it, still feeling hurt and angry. Still, maybe he should call Pam and make sure she didn't damage him too much– His phone rang, Pam's smiling face appearing on the screen. Huh, just in time. He answered it quickly, frowning when all he heard was rustling and the sound of heavy breathing.


"Oh, thank the Gods! Ed– Woah!" He heard a scuffle and what sounded like a shriek, one that definitely didn't sound human, and some very nasty words from Pam before the breathing returned, Pam clearing her throat.

"Pam, what is going on? Is that... Mike? Please tell me you didn't, like, beat him up or something." Pam laughed, high and panicked.

"No, but– Get away from me! Ed, I need your help! Mike– taken– Shadow things– Scary look– woman– trouble! Do you hear me?! A LOT OF TROUBLE!" Pam's voice continued to break up as the phone filled with static until the call failed, the line eerily quiet. Edward was already rushing to pull on his villain costume, messy curls falling into his face as he slapped on his mask and ran out of the door. He had no idea what was going on, but he knew Pam was in trouble, maybe Mike too. Even if Mike was some super powerful hero, Edward wasn't about to leave him without help, and he certainly wasn't going to leave Pam. He went to his contacts and hit a button, phone held to his ear as he waited restlessly. The call was answered after two rings.

"Carla? I need a ride."

Mike came too slowly, blurs and sounds filtering in one at a time as he struggled past the fuzziness in his head, which throbbed in time with his heartbeat. He opened his eyes with a groan as he tried to remember what happened and where he was. He remembered the club, Edward fighting Radiex and revealing his identity, him walking away, Pam showing up to talk some sense into him...

"Pam!" He sat up in a panic, immediately regretting it as the pain spiked, making him dizzy. Oh, Gods, where was she? Was she ok? He couldn't remember if she'd gotten away. All he remembered was seeing her running down the street, and then someone talking to him, touching him...

"Oh good, you're awake! I thought maybe the fun was already over. 'Course I could always play a little with those pretty young women, or maybe that sweet brunette, but it just wouldn't be the same tearing them apart piece-by-piece without you there to watch." His heart lurched into his throat even as he ground his teeth, glaring daggers at the woman approaching him from the darkness of the rooftop they were currently on. The lights of the city glowed faintly all around him, but he couldn't focus on it as the woman crouched next to him, a pale hand cupping his chin and sharp black nails scratching him lightly. She smiled, twisted and wrong looking on her narrow face, black hair floating around her head as if she were underwater. She wasn't any villain he'd remembered seeing before, and he swallowed at that unfamiliarity. It meant he didn't know what to expect or what she wanted, and that scared him.

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