Chapter 19: Uh, Hey There!

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Edward hummed softly, feeling oddly and comfortably warm where he lay, smelling something like... what was that; Mango? It was nice. He shifted, becoming aware that something heavy was resting on his chest. What the heck? He should probably check that out but if he was honest he didn't really wanna get up. He was never this comfy in the mornings. He heard a soft snickering, followed by a click and a whispered: "Awww, that's so friggin cute!" Alright, that's it. He cracked his eyes open, glancing over to see Pam and Carla standing in the kitchen, Carla holding up a camera while Pam seemed to be struggling not to freak out too loudly. He scrunched up his brows. What were–? He glanced down at his chest, cheeks blazing when he saw that Micheal was passed out on top of him, head resting on Edward's chest, one hand gripping his shirt while the other hung over the side of the couch. Oh– Oh man. Ok, don't panic. He looked pleadingly to Carla.

"Do something!" He whispered, heart pounding as Micheal grunted and wiggled slightly.

"Shh, you wouldn't wanna wake him, would you?" Edward glared at her as she and Pam walked off before turning back to Micheal. The guy was well and truly asleep. How had they even ended up like this? Last thing he remembered was them sitting on the couch, drinking the hot cocoa he'd made and chatting tiredly about jellybeans. They must have fallen asleep at some point after that and ended up, well, there was no manly way to put it; They were snuggling. Man, he could practically hear Tom gagging and yelling about how soppy they were being. Get out of here, Tom. Edward patted Micheal's shoulder softly.

"Hey, hey Mike, wake up." Nothing, Micheal just curled up further. He shook him a bit harder.

"Mike. Micheal, M, Mikey, Mickey–"

"Don' wanna make th' cake 'splode, dummy..." Micheal mumbled, turning his head and giving Edward a slightly better view of his face. Edward snorted, biting back laughter at both the sleepy nonsense and the ridiculous cowlick Micheal was currently sporting. He was also drooling, which probably should have grossed Edward out, but he couldn't really care less. His arms were starting to get numb, though, so he shook Micheal a final time, harder than before.

"Mike!" Micheal jerked, looking up blearily.

"Whu–? Did th' wombat eat it all?" Edward let out a startled laugh.

"W-what? You have weird dreams, Mike." Micheal rubbed the sleep from his eyes, making no move to get up fully. Edward glared.

"Can you get up now?"


"Excu– Yes! Get up and go eat."

"Don't want to."

"I need to pee!"

"Sounds like an Edward problem."

"An Edward problem? It's gonna be both of our problems if you don't get up right now." Micheal heaved a very overdramatic sigh as he stood up, yawning into his fist and stretching. Carla and Pam entered again, both wearing sly grins as they looked between the two men. No one said anything as Micheal popped some bread into the toaster and started making coffee. Edward left to clean himself up before coming back and accepting a jellied piece of toast as everyone sat down at the kitchen table, Pam setting down a small box of donuts.

"Oh, sweet!" Hey, the best donuts were the kinds you weren't expecting. Pam smiled knowingly.

"When did you two get here?" Micheal questioned. Edward grunted around the bite of jelly donut he'd just taken.

"Yeh! 'Nd wh't're you doin' snappin' pics 'f us?"

"Were you raised in a barn?" Pam asked, nose wrinkled in disgust. Micheal hummed.

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