Chapter 2: Bank Robberies Aren't Good For Clearing Your Head

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Antennes struggled after that night to get ahold of himself. Ever since letting the hero NightHawk go, he'd been plagued with the image of the man wrapped snuggly in that damn cape, staring up with those huge green eyes. Even thinking of it now made Antennes' heart squeeze, a feeling not entirely uncomfortable. He couldn't seem to stop thinking about it and he didn't know why! He had plenty of other capes, what made that one special? Groaning, Antennes- though he was just Edward right now- got up off of the couch for a drink. 'I need to clear my head,' He thought. What better way to do that than rob a bank? With a smirk, Edward slipped on his mask and Antennes made his way downtown.

Well, it turns out robbing a bank is not the best way to clear one's head. All of the panicking civilians and quivering tellers were just giving Antennes a headache, and the money wasn't very appealing. He'd thought about just handing it all back and leaving for some coffee when, blasting through the front door, NightHawk landed gracefully in front of him. One look at the hero and Antennes could feel his brain just... stop working. His breath caught in his throat as his heart skidded to a stop. Oh, oh no. It couldn't be...

"Is that... my cape?" Stupid question because the deep blue cape currently draping elegantly behind NightHawk was definitely his cape. Oh Gods, deep breaths. NightHawk just glared at him.

"Well, you did give it to me." He responded, fists raised, ready for a fight. Antennes on the other hand was not ready for a fight. Instead, he handed the money back to the teller and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Y'know what, this really isn't a good day. I'm exhausted and in desperate need of caffeine, so I'm just gonna go." NightHawk gawked at him.

"Wha— You think I'm just going to let you waltz out of here?" Antennes stared at him.

"Uh, yeah? The money is back, the damage is superficial and no one was hurt." Well, that was a lie. Antennes' heart was clearly failing him but that didn't have anything to do with the bank. NightHawk laughed, and it was the most lovely thing Antennes ever heard. Ugh, pull yourself together!

"Yeah, no can do buddy."

Quick as a flash NightHawk lashed out, sending a powerful hit towards Antennes' ribs. The villain side-stepped, feeling peeved as he grabbed the hero's arm and swung him around, nearly throwing him into a nearby civilian. NightHawk righted himself and ran zigzag, making it hard for Antennes to land a blow with his fire blasts. Leaping up, the hero kicked the villain in the chest, sending him sprawling on the ground. Antennes rolled out of the way before the hero could land on him and shot out a wild blast. The flames narrowly missed NightHawk, who glared. Antennes glanced around, trying to find a way out of the fight while dodging the endless blows NightHawk was dishing out. He didn't want to hurt the civilians, villain or not, so he needed something else... Aha! Ducking down Antennes ran to the middle of the room, just under the large chandelier that hung there. Before the hero could stop him he unleashed a large blast from his hand and sent the chandelier crashing down. While the hero and civilians shielded themselves, Antennes slipped out of the destroyed front of the bank and ran, climbing up a fire escape and disappearing from the scene. If he needed coffee before, he definitely needed it now. He stopped by his house first, taking off his villain outfit and replacing it with an old sweater and jeans, and then walked the two blocks to the coffee shop. Once there he was greeted by the barista, who looked surprised at seeing him.

"Ed? I thought you were coming in later." She said. He sighed.                                                             

"Yeah well, I needed a coffee extra bad today, Pam." He mumbled, sitting in his usual seat near the back of the shop. She got to work on his drink, the same thing he's always ordered, shooting him questioning glances now and again. He barely even noticed, deep in thought as he was. What was with him? First, he gets all hung up on a cape, then he finds no joy in robbing banks, and then he just gives up in a fight with NightHawk? He was snapped from his thoughts by a cup of coffee and a plate being set down loudly on his table. He turned to the plate with the scone on it, looking up at Pam.

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