Chapter 26: Have No Fear, Edward Is Here! (Whether He Likes It Or Not)

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Micheal yelled as he flew through the air, landing on a lamp pole and bending it in half with a groan, wiping the blood from his split lip with the back of his hand. Damn, Lindsey was a lot more powerful than he remembered. Angrier, too, which did him no favors. He'd managed a few good hits so far, a dark bruise blossoming along the left side of her jaw proof of that, but she'd done considerably more damage in that same amount of time, so it couldn't be considered a win. His ribs twinged, and his back ached, not to mention the severe cuts and bruises that littered his arms and face. He rolled wildly out of the way as a shadow creature came at him, couching as it crashing into the ground in a puff of smoke. He'd nicknamed them 'Smogs' because, really, 'shadow creatures' were a mouthful. He stood up, glaring through the dark swirls as Lindsey- or Visne, as she was calling herself now- strutted forward, dark lips pulling into a cocky smirk.

"You're not looking so hot, H! Why not just lay down and let me finish snapping the rest of your ribs?"

"No thanks, I'm good. I've got a question, though; How do you think silver bracelets would look with an orange jumpsuit? Personally, I think it would bring out your eyes." She snapped her head back with a laugh, and at least her humor was intact. It was the little things.

"You're cute, Mike; I almost can't remember why we broke up. Oh, wait–" She finished sarcastically. He hummed, chest aching.

"Yeah, I think it might have been the part when you tried to have me killed that ruined our relationship. Then again, maybe it was the bedroom. You were getting kinda dull." Visne smiled wickedly, canines looking sharper than average.

"Well, if it's excitement you're looking for, then that's just what you'll get." Micheal bent his knees and geared up for an attack, eyes glowing brightly.

"Bring it on, sweetie." 

Edward ran down the street, occasionally stopping to make sure any remaining civilians got out of the way and toward Pam and Carla. He trusted the two women would keep them safe and get help, so he put most of his focus on the plumes of smoke coming from a few blocks away, explosions quaking through the ground and rattling his teeth. Gods, what were they doing over there, throwing skyscrapers at each other? Another deafening boom and the sound of something collapsing. Yeah, maybe that idea wasn't far off. He pushed himself harder, willing his legs to move him faster, using small explosions to boost him down the street. He ducked and weaved past wrecked cars and toppled light poles or chunks of concrete, passing by firefighters who were just arriving at the scene, police not far behind. Good, they could focus on helping people and taking care of some of this mess. Turning a corner, he screamed, something he would never admit to anyone if they asked, and collapsed to the ground as a semi-truck flew over him, crashing with a shriek of metal and glass into a law firm behind him. Fuck. Turning to survey the damage, he could see people in the upper levels banging against the glass, waving at him frantically. Oh, great, now what? Was he supposed to play hero again and save them? Police and firefighters were a block away and dealing with more injured people and falling-apart buildings than they could count on any amount of hands, and it would easily take them hours before they moved on anywhere close to here. The people inside the firm were coughing and yelling, a few even crying, and Edward rolled his eyes, huffing.

"Fine, hold on!" He melted through the glass near the truck, slipping past and taking the stairs three at a time, yelling at people to move, move, move! They did, panicked and grateful, thanking him as they went past.

"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome. Now go; I got a stupid, reckless, idiotic manchild to save. Go! Police are by Sherman Street!" He cleared all five levels of the building before leaving and continuing on his way, his resolve stronger than ever. As soon as this was over, he was not only going to whoop Micheal's butt, he was going to let Pam and Carla do it too, and then he was going to rub it in Mike's face that he not only saved him but five-floors worth of other people too. Ha, take that, Mike! Who's nothing but a villain no–

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