Golden is HERE!

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Okay, okay.

Last update about Golden!

But, it's finally here! I've released the first 5 chapters today and I'm so excited to read all your comments! I hope you enjoy them.

Thank you for all the support you guys have given me! Thank you for every vote and comment and private message asking about me, or about this story! Y'all wanted a sequel so badly, and it's finally finally here, two years later!

Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for making my writing journey so personal and lovely and challenging. You guys have pushed me in so many ways, making me write even when I didn't want to, or when I didn't feel like I was good enough.

I can't say enough good things about you guys, my readers, and this platform. Wattpad looks a lot different these days, but deep down, this website is the same place where I first got a taste of what being a real author could look like. And because of readers like you, maybe one day, that may be a real possibility.

Check out my new book. It's written entirely for fans like you.

Love you so, so much,


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