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ANDORRA WAS nervous. It was closing in on 7:00, and Lila was putting the finishing touches on her hair. It was partially woven back into a braided bun, and then the rest was hanging down her back in large, fat curls. She'd never seen her hair curled before, or even knew how to achieve the look, but Lila had been confident with the curling iron. Even the braided bun was above the top, looking elegant in the mirror.

Lila was tying in a crown of tiny white flowers in her hair, intricately weaving it in and out of her curled locks. Andorra was trying to stay still, but she was anxious to see herself. Lila had already applied the makeup, and now she was finishing the hair, and all the was left was putting on the dress.

When Lila leaned back from Andorra, satisfied with her hair, she spun Andorra towards the mirror, letting the girl see her own transformation. And Andorra was taken away immediately at the sight before her. Her already large eyes were showcased by thick, fake lashes. Her lips were full and as red as her dress was. She looked gorgeous, like she was another person.

She resisted the urge to touch her face. "I can't believe this is me..." she trailed off, just staring at herself. She'd only ever gone makeup free, but this was enchanting. Again, she felt like Cinderella, about to be someone new at the ball.

Lila put her hands on Andorra's shoulders. "You've always been beautiful, Andorra. This only enhances what you already have. Now, scoot, because I have to do my makeup."

Andorra scooted towards her closet, pulling out the dress. The time on her alarm clock was now 7:10, and Andorra felt a wave of nerves as she rushed from the bedroom to the bathroom, where she pulled on her dress.

She didn't feel as glamorous as she had in the dressing room, but even still, the dress felt amazing on her body. It was both light and tight, hugging her in all the right places. She spun in the bathroom mirror, watching herself glow under the dingy bathroom lights.

She could hear her mother in the hallway, now. "Andorra! Let me see!"

Andorra shot one last look in the mirror before stepping into the hallway, letting her radiance shine as she stood there for her parents, spinning a little bit and laughing as she did so, feeling immensely silly.

This wasn't her, but she wanted it to be.

Her mother sucked in a gasp, her hand covering her mouth. "Andorra, honey, my god."

Her mother burst into tears right there in the hallway, and Andorra froze for a moment, watching her father wrap an arm around her mother in a comforting gesture. Andorra felt lost for a moment, just watching, wondering what she did.

"You're just so beautiful," her mother cried into her hand. "I've always wanted the best for you, and we were so worried for a while because you never made any friends, and you never wanted to participate at school and this is just such a transformation!"

Andorra went over and hugged her mother tightly, being careful not to push her face into her mother's skin now that she wore so much makeup. She never knew her mother had felt this way.

"Mom, it's okay. I'm having fun."

"I know! It's a good thing! I'm so glad you're having fun, honey. We love you so much!" Her mother hugged her tighter, and her father joined the hug, bringing them together in a tight knot.

Andorra knew her parents loved her, but at the moment, it felt like she'd left her parents out of everything happening in her life at school. She rarely talked to them anymore, rarely involved them, and she hated that she did that to them.

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