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ANDORRA WAS still floating on a cloud when she walked through her front door, her smile dreamy and her skin looking much more healthy than it had in weeks. Her parents both immediately noticed the change in attitude and began to dote on her, asking Andorra about her day.

"It was good. I went shopping with Lila, a girl from school." It was the only thing she said as she stumbled up to her bedroom, hanging the dress in the bag in her closet, grinning to herself. She pictured herself entering the school gym in that dress, stealing away the attention from everyone, having all eyes on her.

Suddenly, in her mind, she pictured Noah and Shaniah standing together, and she could picture Noah turning towards her, his expression shifting from cold to one of awe. She could picture the way his expression would melt, and the way he'd talk a step towards her, away from Shaniah.

She could picture how Shaniah would grab his arm to pull him back, but he would shake her off and continue walking towards Andorra, his mouth pulled into a smile. She could picture how it would look on his face, how his eyes would be a soft, warm blue. How his hair would be styled back. How his dark suit would contrast his pale skin.

In her mind, she could see his cold hands brushing her bare arms, trailing up to her shoulders, then to her neck. She could feel the chill against her skin as he tipped her head back so that she was looking into his eyes, his face coming closer to hers, his chilled breath fanning over her lips.

A knock on her bedroom door severed the daydream entirely, leaving her heart pounding in her chest. The chill of Noah's hands on her neck remained, like he'd actually touched her, even though she knew it was impossible. Her own fingers probed the spot on her neck, and goosebumps raced down her spine as she felt the cold skin beneath her fingertips.

Another knock at the door had her bringing her hands away from her neck, and she opened her bedroom door cautiously. On the other side was her aunt, alone this time, nothing in her hands.

She was wearing a smile, but it wasn't pleasant. "Dear Andorra, I heard you went shopping today."
Andorra didn't move from her doorway, fear making it hard for her to breathe. Her aunt wasn't a good person and she knew this, but she wondered what her aunt was doing there at their house this time.

"Yeah, I did. Can I help you with something?" It came out ruder than she meant it to, but she didn't take it back. Didn't want to take it back, and didn't care about taking it back.

"Can you help me with something? Yes, yes you can Andorra. You can help me by telling me exactly what you are, and where you came from, you little freak-"

Paul stepped up behind Ruth, placing a hand on her shoulder, silencing her immediately. His presence was calming to her, and to Andorra, and he smiled at the girl with such ease that Andorra wondered for a moment if her aunt really had said those things.

"Darling, that isn't how you talk your niece, is it?"

Ruth's eyes glazed over suddenly, and she was nodding. Andorra watched as a smile fell over her aunt's face, completely distant. Andorra watched with fascination as her aunt leaned back into Paul, like she was sleepy all of a sudden. "You're right. Sorry, Andorra. Please excuse my behavior."
It was abrupt and sudden, and Andorra was staring at Paul as though she couldn't believe he had done that, because what man had the ability to do that? He didn't give Andorra time to dwell on it as he looped his arm around Ruth's waist, pulling her away from Andorra's door. "Please excuse her, dear. Your aunt is very tired."

Andorra didn't believe that for a moment, and her skin suddenly itched at the realization that something was very, very wrong with both her aunt and Paul. She didn't like the way he had talked to her, or the way he had handled her aunt, or the way he'd smiled at her. Something was wrong with them both.

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