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KYLE WASN'T a liar, nor he didn't peg himself as one. All of his life, he'd been a truthful, honest boy who did what he was told, even if he didn't particularly care for the orders he was given. He was faithful, and a hard worker, and he was dependable.

He worked hard to get where he was, to do the job that many before him struggled and failed to do. And now, it was his turn to try, and it was his turn to bring honor to his family and his people.

He didn't account for Noah being there. He didn't account for Andorra being as pleasant as she was, which made it that much harder. He'd been told many things about the girl, about who she was, and about what type of person she was. A spoiled brat. Untrusting. Closed off.

None of that had been true, though. Kyle had been ready for that type of girl - it was his job to be. But when he met Andorra, everything he thought to be true had gone out the window, and there was nothing that could have prepared him for her.

For the way her soft, blonde hair fell around her face. For the way her big eyes blinked up at him in concern. For her total lack of understand of what was happening to her. She hadn't an inkling of who Kyle really was, or who Noah really was, or what was happening to her when she hallucinated.

He wasn't prepared for her smiles, her trust, her complete lack of self preservation when it came to him and Noah. She was stronger than she gave herself credit for, but Kyle knew immediately that her self-worth had been stomped on relentlessly because of the bullying.

He hadn't been expecting that, either.

In his mind, Andorra was supposed to be a girl who was popular, demanding, and shallow. He'd expected a girl with her head held high, and hear eyes narrowed at everyone below her. Because everyone at their school was below her.

But, he'd gotten a shell of a girl who was afraid of her own shadow. Who didn't talk to others, and found solace in being alone.

Kyle shouldered off his jacket when he stepped into his apartment, and then he took off his hat and scarf. He cracked his knuckles, then headed to his kitchen to start the oven. He knew time was running out, and he knew Noah would soon have the upper hand.

Kyle couldn't let Noah get the upper hand. Not when it came to Andorra.

He started the oven, then reached for his phone, dialing the familiar numbers. The phone rang, then a voice picked up, sounding like crushed gravel beneath a shoe. "You better have good news for me, Kyle."

Kyle rubbed the back of his neck, turning towards his fridge. "Not as good as you're hoping. She's taken a liking to Noah."

And, even if Andorra refused to believe it, it was true. Kyle wasn't blind; he saw the way she looked at Noah with those curious eyes that lingered for far too long. He noticed the way her cheeks heated, the way she was so defiant around him, and the way she pretended to ignore him.

"Noah? You are much more charming than that ice boy. Why on earth would she like him? You should have this in the bag, Kyle."

He pulled from the fridge a thing of chicken and placed it on his counter. Kyle had been wondering the same thing - he was more charming than Noah was. He was kind to Andorra, attentive, and he was attractive. Most girls wouldn't have focused on a boy as rude as Noah when he was giving them attention.

"I think we both know why she likes him."

Whether or not Kyle wanted to admit it, Andorra would feel a pull to Noah because he was different than her, but also the same. Whereas Kyle was only the same, Noah was not. And Andorra noticed that immediately, even if she didn't know why she felt that pull of familiarity, or why she wanted to know more about the dark haired boy.

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