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OBERON HATED that Princess Andorra clung to Sir Noah's approval, but there was nothing he could do about it. Just like before, when the three of them were children, he was the outsider. She may have enjoyed his company, and may have wanted to be his friend, but it was to Sir Noah she ran.

Oberon had little to enjoy during the day. His mornings started before dawn in the kitchen, prepping and cooking for the day with his mother. It wasn't until five in the morning did his mother disappear, going to wait on their Princess in her room until she awoke, and Oberon wished it was him going to her room instead of his mother.

As a child, Princess Andorra was charming. She was the child everyone loved to fawn over, even before the town knew of who she was. She was the bright eyed child with warmth that radiated so strongly that you wished you were a part of the sun clan, only to feel that radiant warmth around you at all times.

She had always belonged to Sir Noah, and Oberon knew that. Every child in the Palace knew that, because of how he surrounded her and protected her. It was rare to see her without him by her side, and when she was without him, she was talking about him.

Oberon had been lucky enough to be friends with Sir Noah as a child, mostly because of their closeness in age, but also because his mother had waited on Sir Noah since his birth. That had brought the two close together, closer than anyone else in the Palace.

When Princess Andorra had come, the three of them had been a trio that most children were jealous of, only because of the fun they seemed to have, completely reckless and without boundaries. And Oberon had been in love with Sir Noah from day one.

There was something about the dark haired boy that made others want to be like him, or be liked by him. There was a sense of regality that others were simply drawn to, and as a child, he had been charming beyond his years. He was smart as a whip and quick witted, challenging everyone around him.

Oberon thought he'd been special, to be able to be friends with the Clan Leader's son. Even if Sir Noah didn't like to share, and even if he hated that Andorra liked Oberon, Obe still loved being in their group. Still loved Sir Noah with a love so forbidden, he couldn't tell anyone.

The Help didn't fall in love with Clan Leader's and their children. And even more-so, boys didn't fall in love with boys. Their clan leader had made that very clear.

When Princess Andorra had left, it had hit Oberon harder than he thought it would. He missed the golden girl with such ferocity, and his heart ached for her laughter and brightness that followed her around.

But, her absence had hit Sir Noah harder. Oberon noticed it immediately when the dark haired boy stopped talking to him completely. Sir Noah had gone into hiding, never leaving his room, never eating, never talking. And when he finally did start leaving his room, he was angry. Angry at his parents. Angry at the entire world around him.

People started avoiding him. They started fearing him. And worst of all, Oberon started to wonder if Sir Noah hated him, too. He wondered if they'd even been friends at all. It was hard not to wonder that, when Sir Noah had ignored him and avoided him at all costs, as if Princess Andorra leaving had only affected him.

It had not. Oberon had been hit, too, and his chest was now empty of both his Princess and Sir Noah. The double whammy had driven him into a deep grieving, which his mother had said was nothing more than laziness, but Oberon knew something was wrong. He couldn't get out of bed in the morning. He was never hungry. He felt worthless and useless and began to wonder if his life held any meaning at all. He was inclined to believe it didn't.

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