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OBERON WAS like the friend she'd never had growing up. As a child, she'd always pictured herself with a friend who would do everything with her: would play toys with her, would come over to her house, would invite her places. As she grew older, she desperately had wanted someone to just be there for her, and no one had done that, not until Kyle.

But being friends with Obe showed just how paper thin Kyle's friendship with her had actually been. How fake Kyle had been.

Oberon not only had been excited when Andorra lifted him in the air, but he had whipped them both us a plate of gooey chocolate chip cookies in celebration for her accessing her powers.

He had wanted to bake ice chips, a delicacy in the Snow Clan, but Andorra had politely declined. Something about the name ice chips made her shiver unpleasantly. But, he just laughed off her decision and made what he knew would comfort her.

As they sat in the study, eating cookies, Andorra felt a semblance of being home, with the fire roaring in the fireplace, with the shelves of books surrounding her, with the sound of laughter coming from Oberon's throat. Everything felt safe and warm.

"So, please, tell me again how Sir Noah showed you the truth pond, because I can't believe he would."

She smacked his arm with a grin. "Stop! You can't tell people I told you that!" She get out laugh and bit into a cookie, savoring the warm chocolate on her tongue. "He let me see the stupid Prince I have to marry. He seems like a jerk."

She pictured the Prince, with his brown hair, his green eyes, and the curve of his lips into what looked like a condescending smile. Everything about him screamed rich and in charge, and it was such a turn off.

"He most definitely is. But tell me again how hot he was, because c'mon, he had to be hot."

Andorra let out another laugh, tucking her feet under her legs as she sat in the leather chair. She leaned closer to the fire, letting the warmth roll over her. "Oh, he was good looking alright. Blemish free pale skin, legs that went on for forever, intense green eyes that seem to suck you in..." she trailed off, over exaggerating his looks for the sake of Oberon, who looked like he was in love with that one description.

"You know, I've always loved Sir Noah, but Prince Anders seems like he could be the one for me." He placed a hand on his heart dramatically, rolling his head back in mock bliss.

"He's mine, so back off." Andorra let out another laugh at the way Obe narrowed his eyes at her and pursed his lips.

"No fair, you get all the good guys! When is it my turn to get a hot boy?"

"I do not get all the good guys. Noah is fair game, since he likes to pretend I don't exist."

Oberon tutted at her, biting into a cookie. "Oh, he's yours. He's always been yours since you arrive at this place. I swear I can remember when you arrived, and he wouldn't let people into your room. What a dumb thing to do, y'know? We were what, five years old? What a hogger. You can tell he's an only child cause he never shares."

Andorra shook her head. "Oh, please. He didn't used to care when you guys were five. That would be ridiculous."

"What would be ridiculous?" Andorra turned to look at Lithe, sitting up straighter in her chair just because the presence of the other girl seemed to always be so cold, and Andorra wanted to get off on a good foot.

Oberon waved his hand in the air loftily. "She thinks it's ridiculous how much Sir Noah likes her. I agree, honestly. He was always so grouchy when you weren't around."

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