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DINNER WITH the Clan Leader was just as scary as Andorra expected. She sat rigid across from him and his wife, who were staring at her as though she were some sort of exotic creature. It was the three of them, and a single guard at the door, and the atmosphere was tense.

"That's a lovely dress you have on," The Clan Leader's wife said in a dainty voice, looking as though she were actually kind. The Clan Leader however was watching her with dark, drawn eyes, nothing less than a glare.

"Thank you." The dress was certainly a statement piece, made out of fine silk and jewels that were sewn into the fabric. She felt regal sitting there, with her hair pulled back into an elaborate bun and her dress tightened at the waist, so much so that she struggled to breathe.

"Your time here is growing rather long, don't you think?" The Clan Leader's voice was accusatory and rude, but Andorra didn't flinch. Outwardly, she raised a single eyebrow and continued to cut into the venison on her plate.

"With all due respect, sir, would you like to try to create a gate large enough for your entire clan? It's more time consuming than you would think." She took a bite of the meat, staring right at the Clan Leader, waiting for him to back down. When his scowl deepened, she turned towards his wife. "This dinner is exquisite."

She had never used that word in a sentence before, not once, but she imagined it was what rich, fancy people said over dinner. In fact, her entire facade was that of a rich person out to dinner. She hoped she was hitting the mark.

The Clan Leader's wife looked towards her husband, eyes wide at the blatant disrespect, fear so wide in her eyes that for a moment, Andorra wondered if her words had been too sharp. Just as she was wondering if she should take it back, the double doors to the dining room opened, and in strolled Noah.

He was in a tight, form fitting suit, and his eyes were dark enough to suggest he didn't want to be there. "Mother, father." He said, bowing his head. He looked at Andorra, his face still a mask. "Princess."

His father waved him in, impatiently. "Why are you always late? No one respects tardiness."

Noah said nothing as he slid into the chair beside Andorra, ignoring her completely. "No one respects a ruler who cares not for his people, but rather for his wallet." Noah looked straight at his father while saying that, clearly looking for a fight.

His mother reached out to put her hand atop of his. "Noah, why don't we put away the swords and enjoy dinner for once."

Noah's face was still a mask, stone cold and emotionless, but he offered a fake smile in return. It was obviously sarcastic.

"Why don't we actually act like a family for once?" He continued, digging into the food at his plate. "And by that I mean, why don't we address the elephant in the room? You both think I'm unfit to be a clan leader."

Andorra felt the uncomfortable tension immediately. While she was glad it was taken off of her, she wasn't thrilled it was placed on Noah instead. She longed to reach for his hand, to give it a reassuring squeeze, but she knew better. And after he'd been so rude to her in the kitchen, she didn't really want to see him, anyway.

"I don't think that, son. I know that." His father didn't even offer a look, instead focusing on cutting his dinner. "Time and time again, you fail us. First when you befriended the servant boy. Then when you got into such a fit when the Princess left. And now, when you continue to act like you have a heart. Empathetic people go nowhere in life. It's time you realized that."

Noah narrowed his eyes, the only sign of emotion on his face. "Our clan hates you. They can't wait to see you leave."

His father barked a laugh. "And you think they'll want you in the hot seat? They despise you just as much as they do me. You talk about change, but really, you're a pathetic excuse for a son."

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