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SHOPPING WITH Lila was a lot like being in a dream. She tried to clear her head, to try and make sense of the outing, but she couldn't seem to believe that she was actually at the mall with Lila.

The girl moved through the throngs of people like she spent a lot of time in the mall, completely at ease, and completely aware of her surroundings. Andorra watched as she tightened her grip on the purse, which was slung across her body.

Lila turned to look back at Andorra. "Here, this is one of my fave stores." And then she cut to the right into a store that was less crowded than the walkways. Andorra followed her, nearly tripping into another person as she rushed to get out of the way.

Lila was heading towards the back of the store, a dress rack already in sight. By the time Andorra caught up, she was pawing through floor length gowns that looked stunning, too stunning for Andorra to even try on.

Lila pulled out a cream colored dress. "You're so tan, you'll probably look best in a dress that's this color. It'll complement your skin tone beautifully. Or," Lila said, pulling out a pale pink dress and yanking it towards Andorra. "This could look good too."

Andorra took both dresses, feeling the silky texture between her fingers, feeling suddenly like Cinderella. She'd never really had a chance or reason to wear anything so beautiful, or anything so fancy before. It was a sudden want for Andorra to feel beautiful.

She was already pretty in her own ways, with long golden hair that glowed in the sunlight and features that were surprisingly perfectly proportionate. Her eyes were large and innocent, her nose was small and slim, and her lips were the kind of lips that begged to be kissed every moment of every day. But, there had always been something about Andorra that had kept her peers away from her, like a wall that had been built around her. She was surrounded by many people, but never before had she grown so close to a group of people. Never before had others looked upon her with a smile rather than a mocking grin.

Andorra knew of her looks, but wasn't aware of the beauty behind them. It was her modesty and her humility that kept her shy and distant, unable to truly acknowledge just how people were drawn into her looks but could get no closer than a simple glance. The wall kept them out, but also kept Andorra trapped in.

Lila continued to shuffle through dresses, her own acknowledgement of Andorra's beauty somewhat mute. She'd known the blonde girl for a little bit now, but had never considered getting to know her until Kyle brought it up to her. And suddenly, at Kyle's invitation, it was as if Lila could walk right through the stone wall around Andorra.

"So, Kyle, huh?" Lila snatched a purple dress from the rack, considered it, and then put it back. Her hair was pulled back into two small buns at the top of her head, a knot of black and brown.

Andorra was still holding the two dresses, and she wasn't sure how to immediately respond. The way Lila said it was as if Andorra liked Kyle, but even she wasn't sure of her own feelings for him.

"Kyle is a good friend," she settled on instead, and it was true. Kyle was a good friend, in the way that he had noticed her first, over everyone else in the school. He made it his personal mission to keep her company, and it warmed her heart.

But, she wasn't sure if she liked him.

Lila snorted, as though she knew something Andorra didn't. "Every girl at our school would say differently. I mean, he's taking you to the dance. Don't you think that means something?"

Andorra put both dresses back on the rack and blew out a long sigh. "I don't care about that stuff. I'm not happy he asked me because he's popular, or because every other girls wants to go with him. I'm happy because we're friends, and he wants me there. I'm happy he values our friendship."

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