Chapter 49 [ Silent chaotic ]

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(Bellamira's POV)

In the silent hallway inside the library, I was sitting on the floor surrounded by tower of books. It's only a few weeks since Adelliana and I met yet both of us already got close.

Remembering her dumbfounded face when she successfully learned how to control her mana without her knowing was enough to make chuckle.

I keep glancing at the ticking clock on the wall to make sure I won't miss visiting Adele like always. I close the thick book and threw it into the pile of other books.

I've been staying here alone everyday now. Showing my face will only led to bigger problems. The face people once forgot unknowingly yet suddenly remembering it little by little is going to be suspicious.

As a victim of the River of forgotten, I should stay away from the crowd. Note to myself to make sure I won't lose control.

I stared at the tower of books with a blank expression. The hunting festival is getting closer and closer, same goes for the holy ceremony.

As much as I wanted to meet my friends again, it isn't the right time to. How long should I hide inside here, waiting for everything to be solved?

I can't do anything for now but at least I can make things less difficult. I reach into my skirt pocket and pull out a small garnet hair clip.

I smiled remembering her soft warm hand and her bright smile when she gave this hair clip to me. What happened to our friendship wasn't because of her.

Knowing her for almost 10 years, she would definitely blames herself for what happen to us if she got back her original memory.

She wouldn't be the only the one who would blame herself. Those idiots honestly...

"Is that hair clip that important to you? I see you've been smiling to yourself and that hair clip alone like an idiot for awhile now."

(Why do I crack at that part?)

A voice softer than anyone suddenly grabs my attention to turn around. I was greeted by a young woman dressed in a saintess dress.

Her black hair was tied in a loose ponytail. Her two onyx eyes have no sparkle in it as if the two blank onyx eyes drilled a hole into me.


My mouth was stuffed with a cloth which smelled so bad that I almost puked. Behind her reveals a familiar face I met some days ago.

I let out a low laugh before losing conscious.

That bastard actually brought a real deal with him....

However, before Bellamira lost her conscious, she flicks her finger and send her magic to Valentine castle.

Loctaion: Valentine castle

"Why is she so late today...? I thought she's a decent teacher who actually came early every day."

Adelliana sat on her chair by the window like always, waiting for Bellamira. It was so unusual for Bellamira to be late like this.

That one time she was late was because she had to go to an emergency toilet and ended up late. Of course, Bellamira was on her period and not popping that time.

Adelliana decided to wait for another good 10 minutes until she sense Bellamira's magic from afar.

Adelliana excitedly jumps off her chair and open the window like a puppy who was waiting for her hooman to come home.

She was so ready to tell Bellamira that she has mastered a magic spell Bellamira taught her. It took her so long to learn it due to the magic spell is something the female lead created.

But her excitement was thrown out of the window upon seeing a letter instead of Bellamira.

The letter gently lands on Adelliana's hands. Her innocent bright smile was replaced by a frown upset look. But after seeing what is inside the letter, Adelliana grip the letter almost tearing it apart.

Inside was a small garnet hair clip and a short sentence which was written in hurried and by magic.

"Don't go to the holy ceremony and stay away from the saintess and the pope"

How was your new year? I slept like a baby during new year ~~~

Happy new year ~~ UwU

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