Chapter 42: King & Key

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Today was nothing unusual aside from seeing Seraphina and the last male lead. And you gotta admit that he's hot than hell even though he's cold as fuck.

Just like any night, I carried my huge pillow, wearing my pyjamas that Aphrodite bought for me. I'm just nothing more than a Baby maker slayer and R19 Slayer 👁👄👁.

Without bothering to knock, I burst my parents' door open and close it back by kicking it. Ares was lying on the bed, wearing a white exposed shirt, reading book.

Aphrodite was brushing her hair, standing by the window to look at the starry sky. Tonight, they were usually quiet. I threw my pillow to the bed and lie down beside Ares, curious on what he's reading.

It was just nothing more than book related to war and political. It was absolutely boring to me but sooner or later, I'll study about those too.

"You came, Adele?" Aphrodite seem to be done with brushing her hair. I nodded my head and rolled to her side.

Like usual, Aphrodite smells really nice. She's smell like feminine powder and light smell of lotion. The lotion from Victorian era I used to smell.

I remember this smell because there was once a shop I would visited with Seraphina and Delaphina alots when we were alive.

It was an antique shop, selling cosmetics which were from 1800s and 1940s. They weren't for makeup purposes but for decorations. There were also many antique objects in there.

It was so fun when I visited it. Ah..the shop owner was also very kind and beautiful. She was already in her middle-age but she was beautiful.

"That's right! Adele, we bought something for you too!" Aphrodite claps her hands and grab a box from her vanity.

I received with both hands and open the box. There were 3 crystal chess pieces. A King, A Knight and A Queen. No, if I look at this carefully, this isn't exactly a chess piece.

It was a seal.

(Question: Is it a seal or a stamp?)

Three chess pieces are actually a seal. The King seal was shaped as a Lion with flowers around it. The Knight one was a Lion with sword and the Queen one was a various type of flower around sword.

"Why these?" No matter how much I tried to figure it out by using my last braincell, I still couldn't figure why would they buy these for me.

"Ah...because they are pretty?!"


Seem like Aphrodite has no clue of why did she buy this and Ares isn't helping her either, he was on cloud, ignoring his daughter and wife.

My eyes caught another small box inside the box which wrapped the chess pieces. I open it up to see a key, a kind of fancy key from Medieval era webtoon romance.

A gothic key shaped in crown with a pink tourmaline on it.

I couldn't exactly describe how does this look like but it's really pretty.

"I'm gonna take this King piece and this key. I'll give mom this Queen piece and dad this Knight piece."

Hehe, I actually should be the knight but I am the king of their hearts so...👁👄👁.

I give Ares the Knight one and Aphrodite the Queen one just like I said. After that, I went to sleep before them.

That night, I dreamed of seeing the same antique shop I used to visit back on earth. The shop has no visitor like usual and I was the only one inside the shop.

"Dear customer, did you find anything to your liking or are you here to see the chess pieces again?"

It was the same shop owner. However, I couldn't see her face nor could I remember how does she look like. But the memories of her was still inside my head.

"Yeah! Could you show me those chess pieces again?!! They are beautiful! No matter how much I look at it, I can't get enough. It's as if it has some sort of magic inside them."

What am I saying? I can't control what I'm saying!!

"What if they do have magic? Ahaha, I'm just joking. Well actually, I heard from the previous owner that they have history."


"That's right. The first owner was the daughter of a noble family. She couldn't inherit the family because she was a girl and she has no idea of swordsmanship work. So her parents made the three chess pieces for her. The heir of the house will keep the King. The head of the house keep the Knight and the Mistress keep the Queen."

"Ehh?? If I were her, I would learn how to use sword."

"Maybe if you became a noble daughter!"

"Ahaha, that might happen if I somehow reincarnated into a romance fantasy novel or something."

"Probably, haha. There is also a tale after that. A tale between the noble daughter and the prince."

"So now she's gonna married to the prince or what? I pity her parents for wasting their money on those chess pieces."

"No, it's the opposite. The prince fell in love with the noble daughter however, the daughter has no thoughts of throwing away her family name and married to the prince. So the prince married to her family and both of them exchanged each other last names."

"So the daughter became the head and the prince became the mistress?!"

"Ahaha, you can say that but the prince held the Knight piece. So when the noble daughter gave birth to the heir, she'll hand over the King piece to the heir."

"Wow...that sound absolutely out of fantasy novel."

"So if you became that noble daughter then seek for the pieces, alright?"

"Probably will happen if I died somehow."

"Haha, of course you need to die to find those. A complete perfect cliche fantasy novel plot."

"Hey hey, we also need to make cliche line!"

"Then how about "If the King is lost, thou shalt never let go of the Knight and the Queen. The King is important but powerless, so protect her. Hand her the Key to assist her on finding the reason why she lost."

"Wow, are you some sort of fellow follower of god?"

"I'm a pretty religious person, so yes."

The memories fade away, leaving me in a complete darkness.

"Hah..." My eyes suddenly opened on their own. I couldn't remember much from the dream but I knew I definitely saw those three chess pieces.

I'm bored 👁👄👁

Or you can say I'm completely useless. I have absolutely nothing to do right now.

If I'm useless like this everyday, I might complete Volume 2 Before 2021. And I decided to make this story short, either with 4 volume or 5 volume.

But I won't make it feel rush, no worry guys! If I have more to write then probably 6 volume.

So another question: What the hell is the golden frilly thing on emperor/knight/king shoulder clothes?

So another question: What the hell is the golden frilly thing on emperor/knight/king shoulder clothes?

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