Chapter 48 [ Letter from the temple ]

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Kay, last three chapters were all slice of life so now time to get back into the plot

As I thought today will be another average day of mine, a white letter was delivered. Sealed in a golden wax with the temple flag on it, it was obviously a letter from the temple.

Upon seeing the letter, Aphrodite and Ares weren't looking forward to to read it, nevertheless, they still tear the letter to read it.

{ Greetings to the grand duke and duchess of the Valentine duchy. Today is a lovely sunny day, perfect for the holiday which only come around once in a year. Like any year, us the servants of god would love to have your presence in our ceremony. We sincerely hope to see your excellency in this event.

Sincerely, the holy temple}

Oh lord, I don't exactly get a safe vibe from reading this letter. The holy ceremony which only happens every once in a year. Bellamira did tell me she won't be teaching me for a few days due to the ceremony which will begin as soon as the hunting event ends.

Of course, this kind of events either make a good memories or a nightmare. I don't recall anything related to this during this ceremony inside the novel.

I almost couldn't recall anything about the novel events. My memories about the novel day by day faded. I'm concerned if this is going to continue, I might forget about my reincarnation and lower my guard.

Unexpected thing will bound to happen if I continue to only lay on my bed and read romance books, eating snacks and go brr.

Once a trash neet will always be a trash neet even after isekai.

Noice...that will become my new motto.

After reading the letter, Aphrodite stood up from her seat and slam the table.

"Tell them I'm not going! The temple has always been a bastard to the Rowland. I can't accept the humiliation and their ignorance!"

Is it okay to say the B word but male version in front of my face?

Good, now I will have excuses to curse when I turn 13.

Ares calmly sip his tea and place it back on the dining table. He wasn't bothered by Aphrodite's voice.

"Don't worry, I won't let you go anyway. I'll deal with the damn ceremony. Attending it alone is enough to make them shut up."

Ok...I am eating bacon and eggs for breakfast and now
will have more excuses to curse once I turn 13.

Sure...I knew the reason why Aphrodite is being salty with the temple is because they removed her title as the saintess. As for Ares, he just dislike for no reason.

The ceremony will begin after the the hunting event. My parents won't be attending it...unless the emperor forced them to or something.

One thing for sure is, I won't attend both. I will use all of those time to sleep and eat at home rather than going to those kind of events which might attract danger. was a blessing for me since I'm only 6 years old so no one will mind if I'm not there.

I will need to prepare myself as soon as I turn 14. Tea party invitations will flock up in my house when I reach that age.

Like how any novels mentioned, noble will want to have a bigger figure on their side so that they can trample on the powerless.

Seeing Aphrodite dealing with those things in real life was enough to make me give up on socialising with them. I would rather become an antisocial than becoming a support for those snakes and foxes.

Wait, foxes are cute tho.

In another word, isekai to become the adventurer instead of being a noble. You might bless with OP items and harem of big boob and flat chest societies and money.

You might even become a king of some small nation but live really happily for a really long time.

I should study and memorized Beresford's political system again ~~~

kinda feel like I'm rushing the plot so I hope you won't mind some unnecessary parents momemts of the three girls. 

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