Chapter 33: Is there a reason?

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Surprisingly, the three of us immediately got immersed into a heat conversation of the novel. I only laughed at Delaphina's suffering because her favourite male lead already has a wife and a daughter.

"Wahhh!!! I don't mean to sound weird but wahhh!!! I still at least wanted to be rejected by Lord Cronus first!!" Delaphina rolled on the clean carpet and kick her legs into the air.

"I mean, why not? If you wanted to be rejected, do it now. I'm sure my dad will reject you." Seraphina munches on the sweet apple slice. Her face was totally dead.

"Never mind got rejected by him, I'm sure he will die before he has the chance to reject a kid like me." Delaphina stopped her tantrum and wipe her nose.

"What? Your dad will pull his collar to the execution ground or what?" I jokingly ask her and laughs.



What the hell? This emperor father's love thingy is for real, I thought it was exaggerated. I don't think my dad's on that level of overprotective yet, ahahaha.

"Ir- Seraphina, what about your dad? How is he as a father and a husband?!" Delaphina and I crawled close to where Seraphina is until our actions made her move her butt backward, showing her obvious uncomfortable feeling towards us.

"What about my father? What about him? Well, he's nothing special...? I don't know, never talk to him ever since I knew how to speak."

Seraphina stopped her track then continued. She rolled her eyes up while inside her mouth, chewing an apple slice.

"Are you serious?!! It's not the dad who neglected you but the daughter who ignored him!!!?" Delaphina rose up and hug the pillow she got from the sofa tightly.

Seraphina lifted her eyebrow, saying 'what's wrong with that?'. I dramatically shed fake tear and wrap my arm around her shoulder.

"You did it, you crazy son of a bitch, you did it!!"

"You finally did it, you really got the ball to do it!!" Both Delaphina and I celebrate with joy and tears falling down. Seraphina who was holding an apple slice, blinks at whatever we said with visible confusion.

"What the hell did I do?"

"You broke the law of novel number 2, if you reincarnated as a baby of a tyrant, the first thing you need to do is to steal his heart and become his baby girl!!" I clenched my fist and celebrated even more with Delaphina cheers from behind.

"What bullshit is that? Stealing what heart? I ain't going to waste my time on pleasing my father that way. I don't need him to survive." Seraphina sighed with hint of annoyance in her tone.

I'm not blaming her though. Seraphina has always been an independent person. She has never leaned on someone to survive, if someday she ran out of money, instead of calling her mother to sent her money, Seraphina did a pro gamer move and playing a game with 12th grade by placing money as a stake if someone wins.

Seraphina's famous quote, known by everyone.

"I was a businesswoman, doing business." - Iris A.K.A Seraphina

Come to think of it...Cronus was a man with an expressionless face, rarely shows his emotions and smile. Seraphina is also the same...she's rarely show her pure smile or her actual feelings to anyone.

Really, that must be fate for her to become Cronus's daughter. Up until these days, I knew there is an explanation behind my reincarnation. The woman from years ago made wonder how did I become the daughter of a Villainess and a male lead?

Hah...I called Seraphina a crazy son of a bitch for breaking a daddy-daughter novel law but I'm even more crazier than her..I was born between an illegal couple. A Villainess and a male lead...umm, illegal is illegal.

"Now I think about it, do you think that we might become an OP magician or something?!! Our eyes color are pretty unique!!"

Delaphina's question perk my interest immediately. I stared at Delaphina's eyes, she has an ocean shade eyes, like..the upper part of her pupil is navy blue, then down is light blue and the last part is an even more light blue.

The more unique thing about it, is the glittering like diamond making her eyes looks like it made out of an actual ocean itself.

Seraphina has a golden eye, but her other eye was covered with her long hair. I moved her hair to side and her other eye was revealed. Delaphina gasped but I had no reaction.

Unlike us, Seraphina has two eyes color. A golden amber eye and a forest emerald green eye. Unlike mine and Delaphina's, Seraphina's eyes sparkled like a jewel while ours sparkled like chunk of glitter was pour into our eyes.

"Do you see enough now?" Even though it sounds like she was unhappy, Seraphina shows no emotion.

"S-sorry..." I took my hand off her hair and her long blue hair covered her green eye back.

We didn't speak any longer but sat close to each other in one place. We didn't even do anything so why is this so awkward? The topic was only about checking our eyes color.

" you think that there is a reason behind our reincarnation with memories intact along with us..? Just telling me that because we read the novel isn't enough. We died but reborn into this world together." I decided to break the atmosphere by asking something even more awkward.

"Well, just like you, I don't believe in that logic by reading that novel then suddenly reborn here. If we got to reborn into a novel, why this book in the first place? Plus, we didn't reborn as someone who is the same age as the characters but reborn as a children."

Seraphina said in a low tone, only Delaphina didn't speak. Soon, she hugged her knees and turned her back to us.

"I...I don't care...about anyone...j-just to have my own family...and to know that you two are with more than enough...I don't think we should care about the original plot about this novel anymore. I used to feel guilty for stealing Helios from Bellamira but...but...he's my dad...and we are just a character who never appeared anyway."

Delaphina was hiding her face by turning around, I knew she was sobbing right now. I rubbed her back and grabs her hand, my right hand grabs Seraphina's.

That's right...I used to have fun living like everything around me was okay when the plot haven't the properly started yet.

This is a world where god and goddess exist right, may we ask why lords sent us here?

I am happy with what you gave me but I know at the end of the day, you will give everything back to the female lead right? Because everything in this world is made for her and her only.

What was the reason behind our reincarnation?

[ Did I ever write about Seraphina having only one color? If so, please let me know which chapter was it again. I forgot about it == but if there is no mention of her eyes color, her current eyes color will still remain.]

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