Chapter 26: [ A stereotypical life of a reincarnated person ]

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Ah yes, I'm using a reference. I haven't continued that manhwa for a very long time now.

Also, what do you think about the new cover? I am the one who did it this time but my friend PotatoeWolfie helped me with it alot. I couldn't done this without her!

Thanks alot, dude! :D


The day when Ares need to leave for border inspection was here. I dressed up neatly just to bid him a farewell, Aphrodite also came to send him off.

Today, she wore a really elegant and rather mature dress for her young age. Aphrodite dressed in a long purple dress with white polka dots on it. The white ribbon around her waist was tied properly. Her pale platinum blonde hair was tied in a bun with a daisy shaped diamond on her her bun.

It was modest but elegant. I ran to hug Ares who was sitting on his tall black (Did I make this sound offensive..? If so, I will change it) horse.

Ares picks me up and rub my head. The knights behind him coughed loudly, some let out an 'Aww' sound. Some just sighed at this scene.

"Daddy, come back safely! You still haven't fulfilled our promises, okay?!" I stared direclty at blood ruby eyes.

"I will. I won't go back on my words." Ares wrapped his pinky finger around mine and rub his forehead against mine.

It feel like a lion affectionately rubbing their cub. Since when did he learn to properly become an actual good father?

I gave him a kiss on his forehead as my blessing for him. Aphrodite approached us. She untied her hair and gave Ares her hair ribbon and her daisy shaped diamond hair pin.

The knights and maids around us immediately get close and whispering also immediately surrounded us.

"Return this hair ribbon and hair pin to me if you make it out alive."

"This hair pin...keep it back. You won't danger approaching you anytime."

"And you know there will be danger approaching you all the time."

"I am the Grand duke. I have divine magic and my swordsmanship is enough to protect me."

"I am the Grand Duchess. I have the dark sorcery magic and my experience of studying and fighting is enough to protect everyone, including myself."

In the end, the husband could never win, so he gave up.

Ares tightly grabbed her ribbon and hair pin in his hand. His face was emotionless but his eyes were shining in sadness.

He hands me to Aphrodite and lean down. Unexpectedly, Aphrodite kisses him on his forehead where I kissed him.

"May this blessing protected from any harm."

Aphrodite held me in her arms as we watched Ares' troops left the dukedom. I tugged Aphrodite's dress, wanting to know where is Ares going exactly.

"Mommy, where is dad going?"

Aphrodite look at me with a sad smile. She replied to me in a gentle tone.

"Your father is going on to an important mission. We don't know when will he come back. That's why mommy gave him her blessing and her hair accessories."

She put me down onto the ground and held my small hand. We returned inside and I was still bugging her about the meaning behind the mystery of giving a man her accessories.

Aphrodite calmly cut the chocolate cake and hand it to me. I received the cake from her with my two hands, with my ears opened and listen her carefully.

"When a woman gives a man her hair accessories such as hair pin or hair ribbon when he's about to leave for war, it's mean the woman is hoping for him to return safely without needing to say a word. But giving her hair accessories also meant she really loves him for her to give away her beloved and expensive accessories to a man. Whether he leaves for war or going on a journey, once receiving a hair accessories from a woman, you must give her hair accessories and return safely to her."

I munched the cake slowly. There is many different legends behind every action.

Wait...did she just say expensive?!

"Mommy, then the daisy hair pin from earlier..."

"Oh? Ah, the daisy hair pin. It was what the empress from Hera empire wore many centuries ago. It contained with a powerful magic spell that is enough to destroy a small country. However, I have fixed the hair pin and seal the magic spell inside. So the hair pin could only detect an enemy and kill someone who isn't their master unless the master hands the hair pin directly to the stranger itself. The powerful spell can only activated when you broke it."


Adelliana broke into a cold sweat. She was grateful to Margaret who was interrupting her while she was sneaking into Aphrodite's room and almost touch the hair pin that was casually lying in her mother's drawer.

So that was why she didn't care about the daisy hair pin. It's because someone would die if they touch it.

Adelliana is indeed a lucky person =×=.

She stayed in the guest room with her mother, reading a book while Aphrodite was signing and working on the document.

The butler (Xavier) stood beside Aphrodite, helping her with Ares' works. If Aphrodite isn't present, Ares does her works and his works. If Ares isn't present, Aphrodite fulfilled her duties and does the two works.

She was responsible for visiting the court in her husband's place if he's absent. Suddenly, A thought enter Aphrodite's head.

"Baby, do you want to go to the palace with me tomorrow? I will bring you to meet your new friends!" Aphrodite happily claps her hands and grinned.

"But...I have never interacted with a kid my age for almost five years."

Adelliana is lying naturally as if she was breathing.

(Ah yes, another reference but from anime)

The other month, she visited the palace and met a beautiful boy and a fairy who thinks she was dangerous but Adelliana cannot tell her mother about this because she's scared that there will a rap battle held in the fairy garden.

"Don't worry! They are all lovely, just like you! But of course, in my eyes, you are loveliest!" Aphrodite giggled and make Adelliana covered her face in embarrassment.


She has already finished her studies. If it were a school, then she would be on vacation. Adelliana has surpassed kids at her age in studies already.

She has finished and learn about every single history of this empire so she could only wait until 14 to enter Beresford academy.

It would only took 2 year for me to graduate because I have plan to enter to the knight palace ground. My goal is to live happily with my parents and inherited the dukedom.

First, I need to make connection.

With kids my age of course!!

Did you actually think I'll disguise as an adult woman and make connection with adults like Villainess from novels?

Unfortunately, I am the Villainess' daughter. I don't know anyone who is useful to me. So kids are the only people who can easily be trusted and work with.

I just make friend with them and in the future, we could be more than just close friends. We could become business partner unless the foundation from the early fail due to a kid throwing tantrum because she didn't get the princess role.

Hiya...this is tough.

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