Chapter 45: Perfect picnic

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There was one problem I couldn't tell Bellamira...and that is...

I would like to learn how to float in air like her too...

I'm joking, don't mind me. These days are stressful, I'm the daughter of the male lead but I'm complaining as if I went through hell like students from 21st century.

But it is indeed stressful. Because my parts of mana were blocked by Elina the fairy queen, I wasn't able to learn lots of magic.

And my mana ran out quickly. However, Bellamira didn't unblock my mana. I get it that I'm the daughter of the male lead who has divine power and the Villainess who has dark magic, but damn!

Am I too powerful that even Bellamira has to leave me like this? Oh god, what if I turn into a Villainess who seek for a worthy opponent?

Not only am I a genius but I am also dangerous. I really do build differently from others. Have I finally entered the "She's different from other girls...interesting" category?

"Adele dear, what's wrong with you? Is food not to your liking?"

Reality snapped back to my mother who is holding a plate while my father was resting against the tree. I was holding a ham sandwich while sitting like a monk.

"Uhh...the sandwich is good like always. I'm just not feeling good..."

I would rather die than telling her that I was having an eight grade syndrome moment. Or to be easy, I was being a whole narcissist person for a whole time.

"Do you need a physician?" Aphrodite asked with pure concern. No, I would like a therapist to know why am I so perfect.

"It's not necessary. By the way, what did you guys do last night? I was on my way to the kitchen and heard a loud sound coming out of your room."

I pretend to change subjects but this subject will be interesting to discuss. Ares suddenly coughs and Aphrodite's face turns red.

" see...last night..ummm...ummm...."

Have no excuses to explain what happened last night, I see. So they were indeed wrestling last night. I'm glad I was feeling like sleeping alone last night.

I don't need to hear them directly. They are starting to do it more and more. I am expecting great news soon. I will have someone to bully in the near future- I mean someone who is blood related and will be my to- I MEAN for me to look after.

My lesson with Bellamira went well these days. I successfully learned how to concentrate on my mana and sense magic from a specific area or someone.

My reward was receiving many praises and snacks but the best reward was to hug and kissed by her.

I'm not a simp

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I'm not a simp. I'm purely just an adult with a mind of a 16 years old in a body of a 6 years old who doesn't have enough love from others aside from my parents and real close one.

My face said different when I was saying this though.

Ah right! A few days ago, Ares got me a messenger bird. So now, I am able to send letters to Seraphina and Delaphina.

Their letters never fail to amuse me. Delaphina only sent letters to complain to me how she would witnesses her parents wrestling in a random place.

Seraphina only bragged how she learns new skills and magic. Compare to Seraphina, both Delaphina and I are the definition of useless.

Although Delaphina said she could heal and learn how to use sword like her older siblings now. There was no mention of how she can communicate with fairies or controlling them yet.

I thought royal have the ability to control fairies at young age. Did Augustine lie to me or what?

Lying on the picnic blanket and resting my head on Aphrodite's laps, I stare at the blue sky with clouds everywhere. It was sunny yet there are huge clouds.

It was the definition of a perfect weather for me. After sometimes, Ares came and lie beside me; on Aphrodite's laps too. It was a complete silence. No one talks.

The only sound was Aphrodite's low humming. Without knowing, I fell asleep on Aphrodite's laps and was hugged by Ares in my whole sleep.

Now, it was only Adelliana's low breathing sound. She was picked up by Ares carefully while Aphrodite packed the plates and placed them into the basket.

"Are you sure you're okay without a parasol? Adele's face will be burn, you know." Aphrodite moved her parasol closer to Ares who is way taller than her so that he could be under it too.

Since Ares was taller, Aphrodite had to tiptoe so that the parasol won't hit his head. Seeing her actions, he couldn't help but chuckles.

Ares proceeds to pick her up with one arm. His left arm was holding sleeping Adelliana and his right was holding Aphrodite.

Aphrodite's face became redder than any cooked seafood. She was in a stiff position.

"Aren't I heavy...? Please put me down...I can walk..."

"This is nothing compared to my sword. I see nothing wrong with it."

When he rise his head up with a smirk, Aphrodite blushes even harder. Her Purple eyes met his red one as they continued to stare at each other until Aphrodite's head hit with a tree branch.

"AH!" She bites her lips to prevent screaming. Adelliana groans a bit but went back to normal.

"I-I'm must have been hurt..." Ares was panicking. He should have paid more attention.


Aphrodite pouted but they continue to head home. To make up to her, Ares purposely walks into a tree branch and hit himself.

Nothing more than a slice of life chapter, enjoy. When I said there will be an Ares x Aphrodite moment, I'm not joking.

We need more Ares x Aphrodite contents!!

There are many slice of life chapters in this volume so don't complain- *slapped*

Next chapter will be about the Peregrine, we left them too long now /(='x'=)\

Of course, family related content and some...Emperor x Queen moment, y'all (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Ya ready for a whoosh of spiciness, a shy antisocial, fabulous sassy fashionista, sunshine ball and depressing but happy beautiful kid?

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