Chapter 65: [ God ]

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"Now, what's the plan?" I asked Childe who is sitting by the fire, having Seraphina to dry his long ass hair for him.

I can't believe this dude is actually someone who legit wrote a romantic-fantasy drama reverse no uno harem for girls.

"How many times do I to fucking tell you that we are fucking going to fucking see the god by using your fucking important items in your fucking Jesus Christ pockets!!?"

"Mate, Chile-!!" Delaphina grabbed his shoulders to hold him down. Fortunately, his figure was quite petite despite being a boy.

So with a little force from magic, Childe was held down by Delaphina easily.

It seem like I'm the only one who is incapable of using magic now. I'm so jealous, Bellamira who is now nowhere to be known or seen never taught me a complete magic spell.

I sighed and draw a poop on the ground, using random wooden stick. Why do I draw a poop? To reminds myself I am stuck inside a shitty situation.

Why am I being negative despite being (might be) an actual important character if my life is a novel?

I want to break a fourth wall but I don't know if my life is being written or not.

How's Attack on Titan now tho? Has it been completed? I'm so jealous of those people who's able to read the ending of AOT.

(A/N: Please refrain from spoiling the ending!)

What about Haikyuu? I died as soon as the last chapter released too.

Damn, my life is pretty much a tragic if I think about it. What a joke...I am referring to my life for your information.

We left the forest and follow Childe to find a holy temple because that's where only Childe's able to teleport to a dimension where god reside.

During our little (long) trip, my face was frowned the whole time without my realisation. Delaphina, walking beside me might have took a notice decided to hold my hand tightly until it grabbed my attention.

"What is it?"

"Nothing! Your hands are pretty soft so I feel very comfortable, holding it!" Delaphina showed me a pretty energetic smile. It was weird for such smiles to rather comes from a devilish person like Delaphina.

I returned her hand holding and smile. She said my hand is soft but her hand is also very soft. As expected from a princess who is loved by her whole family.

She's like those female child protagonist who has a strong daddy but for Delaphina, no dead mother, finally have a sister beside from brother, the family environment isn't toxic lmao.


Reminds of a certain manhwa where the MC died from her own dad's hands.

Never mind, I'm gonna get myself killed for using way too many references.

Why do I even care in the first place though? It's not like everyone will read what's going inside my mind anyway.

"Oh right! Come to think of it, you have a brother named Augustine? How is he at home?"

"Augustine? Oh yeah, I have never gotten the chance to talk about my family alot! My brother is a really nice person despite being a loud and lazy kid. Augustine is really kind and goofy, he's me that second male leader vibe. Wait, why are you asking me about my brother? Do you know him, how? Where? When?"

Oops! Me and my big mouth! Aiyaaa, I should have kept this mouth to eat steak and chicken at home instead but I done the deed so you know the rules and so do I, so never going back.

"Huh!? Oh, my dad just randomly mentioned it.." I paused for a seconds to think up of a better excuse then I remember my mom. "With my mom because you know how often they visited the palace. So they met your brother a few times and they just brought it up in tea time or picnic."

I chuckled nervously, hoping Delaphina will be convinced by what I said.

"Yeah, not making any sense..." Delaphina raised her eyebrow suspiciously.

Okay, she isn't convinced by what I said.

Still, I'm thankful that she doesn't push me any further and kept where it's left. Little did I know, Delaphina is planning how to kidnap poor Augustine and interrogate him when she returns home.

"If we continue to travel for another 2 hours, we'll reach an abandoned village. They always built a temple so stay strong!" Childe said in an encouraging voice like one of those kouhai doing the "Never give up, senpai!!".

"How did he know?" Seraphina moved closer to me and received an answer from Delaphina instead of me. "Bruh, he's the author for Pete's sake.."

"Make sense..who's Pete by the way?"

We traveled by feet for 2 hours, no 4 hours to be exact as we have to stopped midway, resting and eating lunch.

By the time we arrived at the temple, it's already 4PM in the evening.

In front of an abandoned temple inside an abandoned village, it gave me off a creepy and eerie atmosphere.

"Delaphina, give me your hands and your necklace."


Delaphina headed forward in front of a god status. She had her necklace in her left hand held by Childe's right hand.

"Lend me your divine magic." Childe commanded.

Delaphina nodded her head and followed. She closed her eyes and together with Childe, a golden light surrounded them as Childe chanted some isekai spell:

"Blessing from heaven, gate opened with angels awaiting. With the power of Necklace of map and royalty divine magic; I asked lords from above to grant me a path of visitation!"

How the hell did he know such spell...?

Oh right, he's an author.


Whewwww, another chapter is finished.

I was so embarrassed to find anime nsfw now lmaoo. It feels so embarrassing.

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