Benjamin Family fact

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As a celebration for 100k readers, there will be four special chapters dedicated to my beloved readers who have continued reading this book even after this book is becoming boring. I will continue to write this till the end, thank you for your patience and support!

-Sincerely, Kinmiko~

Cronus Phantom Benjamin

-Height: 1.87m

-Weight: 69kg (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  [ Those who knew why I use Lenny face...let's go to horny jail...together and play UNO ]

Likes: Cookie, coffee, silent place, his home, cuddling

Dislike: Frogs, annoying people/animal, mosquitoes

-Cronus's parents died at young age, he forgot about his good memories with his family as their death had a huge negative effect on him

-Cronus is 26 years old

-Cronus became the lord of magic tower at age 16

-Cronus likes cookies, especially made by himself and his wife

-He's actually a cinnamon roll when he's with his family

-Cronus almost fainted when his wife screamed when giving birth

-He hates frogs because someone from the Academy threw it at him

-Cronus's favourite food is chicken fried rice with butter and soft omelette

-He tends to forget the date

-Cronus has a collection of dangerous potions and magic spell talisman but he stored them away at the top of the tower and tell no one because he knew everyone in the tower can't resist his daughter

-Cronus actually had to go on a dangerous mission as soon as Seraphina was born. He went on a mission while feeling really unwell and exhausted

-Cronus sometimes never sleep, as a result, he always look tired but his tired look was mistaken as a scary murderer look

-Just like Seraphina stated, Cronus actually never knew his daughter's name till he returned from the long dangerous mission

-He always took Rhea (his wife) to stargazing and eat cookies with hot chocolate on their anniversary

-He has known Rhea since Academy day and met her alone when she was bullied by their seniors. Those seniors were sent flying to the trashcan

-He is not a PDA man

-He is shy and an introvert...only with his family

-A baby on the outside and a daddy in a sheet (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

-Joke aside, he's really a daddy on the bed

-Bro be taking care of his wife much better than anyone

-Free warm bath and orange juice after the banana and strawberry session

Rhea Flint Benjamin

-Height: 1.59m

-Weight: 47kg

Likes: Books, warm tea, flower, children, Seraphina, library

Dislike: crowd and loud yelling voice

-Rhea is 23 years old

-She is the daughter of a Viscount who lives peacefully in countryside

-Rhea is a chill gentle woman. The magicians and the orphans adore her very much

-Rhea is a Rank S magician, but she doesn't use her magic really often as she accidentally injured her teammate heavily once and the guilt is still living inside her

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