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"Louis Tomlinson to the principal office please"

Fuck, what now?

It was the first day of school and Louis was already in trouble. He was a football player, which made him one of the most popular guy in the school, and everybody loved him. His best mate, Liam, was a football player too and with Niall and Zayn they were the perfect group of friends.

He headed to the principal office while everybody was looking at him. It wasn't the first time tho. He didn't have good grades at all and he always started fights, making him very familiar with the principal.

When he arrived there he saw a guy with long curly hair and big green eyes looking down to his fingers. Event though he never saw him before, he thought he was in trouble too and he was waiting for his turn. He couldn't help it but think about how pretty this boy was.


"Good morning mr Tomlinson" a familiar voice said as soon as Louis entered in the room. "Did you saw that guy outside?" The man continued again and when Louis only nodded, giving him a confused look, he continued." He is new in this school, just moved from Italy. Now, his family is really, uhm... famous, so I think you understand how important is for us to give him the best and making him feel home, don't you?"

"Yeah okay but- what do I have to do whit it?" Lou asked awkwardly, still not understanding why he was there in the first place, and how a guy could be as cute as this Italian boy.

Yeah anyway.

"You need to show him around the school, let him sitting next to you at lunch, show him his classes, and most important you are going to be his tutor, because he needs help with English, okay?"

"And why me?" Louis asked raising a eyebrow.

"Louis"the man sighed. "You had a lot of problems the past year, especially with your father and the FBI and we thought-" he stopped, taking his glasses off. "We thought something like this could help you" he explained.

"Hum, a Italian guy could help me?" Louis asked again, sassiness clear in his voice.

"You see... since that event your grades changed a lot, and we want to make sure you graduate this year but- now, I see it almost impossible" the principal explained.

"Again, how could he help me with my grades if he doesn't even speak English?" Louis spat frustrated, but he knew that Mr. Groff was use to it.

"Because if you help him out you'll have extracurricular credits, so will you do it?"

"Okay" Louis sighed. He got up from his chair after the principal gave him a piece of paper with all the boy's class. He was about to open the door when he heard "Mr. Tomlinson?" He turned around slowly.

"This morning I got a call from the police department. I uhm...I shouldn't tell you this but uh...they re opened the case. They asked me to keep an eye on you, you know, just in case"

Louis froze.

"I'm sorry" the man said, and seemed genuine.

Louis looked at him and nodded before opening the door. He looked at the paper and noticed that he and the boy had a lot of class together, like math, English and biology.

He walked out to the office to find the curly haired boy sitting and playing whit his fingers until he saw Louis and quickly got up.

"Hi, I'm Louis" he smiled.

"I Harry" he smiled back.

"so I'm gonna show you around the school and then bring you to your classes, okay?"

"I uh...do not speak English well"Harry confessed.

"Oh don't worry I'm studying Italian, so we can help each other, yeah?" Lou said but as soon as he realized that the boy didn't understand he tried to translate.

"Hm...io studio italiano, tu aiuti me io aiuto te?" Lou said crossing his finger hoping that the boy understood this time, proudly smiling when the boy's face lighten up.

"Okay, yes yes"he nodded smiling back.

"Okay, let's go then" Louis said grabbing Harry's hand, making him gasp a bit but then grin at the cute gesture.

"Non sai cosa ti farò quando diventerai mio" Harry says knowing that the boy couldn't understand.

"Hmm?"the blue eyed boy said turning his head to him.

"Oh nothing" Harry quickly replied and then started waking to his first class.


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