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"Liam?" Louis called as soon as he arrived in front of Liam's house. He heard footsteps and then the door opening, revealing Liam's mum.

"Oh hi Louis" she greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning Karen" he smiled back. "Is Liam here?"

"Yeah he's in his room, come in"

Louis thanked her and made his way upstairs, as soon as he arrived in front of his best friend's room, he took a deep breath before knocking.

"Come in" Liam's voice said.

Louis opened the door just a little, and as soon as Liam saw him, his expression turned blank.

"Liam I-"

"Don't" Liam shook his head. "Sit" he ordered.

Louis did as told, and went to sit on his best friend's bed.

"I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry Liam, you didn't deserve any of it and- I don't know why I lost it but you've always been so good to me and I don't know- I'm sorry" Louis sighed.

"Lou, it's okay, we were both drunk and also I stared it" Liam reassured him, and he seemed like he genuinely meant it.

"Still, I had no right to hit you" Louis sighed. "Does it hurt?" He wondered.

"A little" Liam shrugged. "But Lou, I meant it" he said, his tone serious.

"What?" Louis frowned.

"You're in love with him, and you should stop being afraid and just try"

"Liam" he breathed. "I don't- I don't want to talk about it"

"No you listen to me now" Liam said firmly. "You can't waste a relationship like that, just because you're scared..."

"Liam-" Louis intervened.

"...Of what people would think about you, Louis, you've been scared you whole life, now it's time to man up. And I'm not saying this because I'm angry or because I want you to be with Harry, I'm saying this because I've been your best friend for a long time, enough to know what you want and if you pretend that he never existed, you're gonna regret it and I won't be here to comfort you" Liam stopped. "Okay well I will, but I will also tell you 'I told you so' and you don't want me to be right do you?"

Suddenly there was silence, Louis was just looking down playing with his rings, and for a moment, Liam thought that he didn't listen to what he said.

"You're right" Louis suddenly declared.

"I'm what?" Liam asked surprised.

"You're fucking right" he continued, getting up from the bed. "I'm not gonna waste this. Listen I have to go now but- I'll call you later okay?"

Liam just chuckled and nodded, so Louis said sorry again and basically run out of the room. He started running, because Liam was right. He didn't want to loose Harry, he couldn't, and maybe it was just stupid, but at least Harry needed to know that.

And sometimes, life decides that you don't deserve anything, and spits you in the face. But sometimes, it decides that after all the shit you've been through, you deserve someone to prevent you from falling.

So when he arrived in front of Harry's house, he found him sitting there, looking down, and he just knew it was now or never.

"Harry" he called. Harry quickly looked up at him, and frowned in confusion as he saw him. So Louis started walking towards him, Harry meeting him halfway.

"I don't want to be scared anymore"

And with that, he locked his lips with Harry's. For a few seconds, he didn't kiss back, but then slowly started moving his lips with his. And it was perfect, just like the others, natural, full of emotions.

Louis' hands made their way around Harry's neck, and Harry's on Louis' waist, pulling him closer and making the kiss deeper.

When the pulled apart, they rested their forehead together, they're eyes still closed, but now a huge smile was playing on their lips.

"Ti amo" Harry said after a few minutes of silence.

"Ti amo" Louis replied, because that's what he felt.

"I missed you" Harry continued.

"Me too baby, and I'm so sorry I pushed you away" Louis whispered as he gently stroked Harry's cheek.

"Promise me you won't do it again"

"I won't, I promise" he reassured him.

"Are you okay?" Harry wondered.

"I am now" he smiled. "I need you Harry, and that time I saw you outside school with- wait" Louis realized pulling apart a little to look into Harry's emerald eyes. "Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"No" he chuckled. "Jimmy is just a guy who was flirting with me. Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Well, she wasn't really a girlfriend, more like a distraction form you" Louis explained.

"Oh" he accepted. "I love you" he repeated, because now he was finally able to say it out loud.

"I love you too. Are you okay?" Louis wondered.

"I missed you Lou, a lot, and it hurts, but now you're here, and you'll let me save you from that dark right?"

"Only if you let me protect you" Louis chuckled.

"I will" Harry promised.

They stayed like that for a while, just enjoy each other company, but eventually they had to go inside Harry's house because it was getting cold outside, so they decided to watch a movie.

"Lou?" Harry asked, looking up at his boyfriend.


"Do you want to stay for dinner?" He wondered.

"Uhm...sure" Louis smiled, and cuddled his boyfriend deeper his his chest.

When Harry's mum and sister got home, they greeted Louis with a smile on their faces, and they all had dinner together, but eventually Louis had to excuse himself as he saw Liam calling him, because he knew he could be important.

"Payno! What's up?" Louis asked as soon as he picked up the phone.

"He's gone" Liam declared, and Louis could picture him smiling.

"Who is gone?" Louis frowned.

"Derek is gone! Remember when you talked to Greg? Apparently after that he went to the police station and turned him in" Liam explained.

"I- wow are you serious?" Louis asked completely shocked.

"Yeah, you're free Louis"

This is the last chapterrrr*pout*

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