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Too many drinks.

Louis had too many drinks. Sat in that chair, he spent the night drinking and drinking, just because he could. Okay, maybe it was because he saw his perfect curly boy dancing with somebody else. But that was kind of the point, wasn't it? That he wasn't his anymore.

Liam had drink a lot too, and when two people drink too much, the conflict is unavoidable.

"Heyy louuu" Liam said, sitting in a chair next to Louis. When he didn't answer, he continued. "How'r youu"

"Liam you're drunk" Louis declared.

"You are too" he giggled. "Have ya- have ya seen Harry, he's dancing" Liam pointed at the dance floor. "But not with you"

"Shut up" Louis whispered, clenching his fits.

"But it's true!" Liam exclaimed. "He's there, wi' someone, who's not you" he continued to tease his friend.

"Liam, shut up" Louis said, his knuckles withe.

"And you'll never. Have him back-"

"Shut up!" Louis suddenly yelled. "Shut it Liam! You don't know anything!"

"Oh I but I do" Liam grinned. "Because I'm sure you're too scared to- to admit your feelings fo' a boy that you built a relationship with a girl, a fake and toxic one"

"I didn't" Louis denied.

"You did Louis" Liam said with a seriously tone, starting at him harshly. "You're too scared to admit tha' you love him" he spat. "Pussy"

"What did ya say?" Louis asked through gritted teeth.

"I said puss-" Liam wasn't able to finish the sentence when he felt a hand around his neck, and suddenly he was pinned against the wall.

"Shut the fuck up! You hear me! You don't know anything!" Louis shouted.

He was too angry to realize the people that were gathered around them. Including, well, Harry.

Liam found himself laughing at the stupidity of his friend. "Don't ya understand? You're weak, cause you're scared to love, and love" he shook his head. "Love is only for' the brave"

"I'm weak!? You say I'm fucking weak?!" Louis yelled, before throwing his friend on the ground.

Liam groaned in pain, but he didn't have time to understand what was happening when he saw his best friend on top of him.

Louis wasn't having it anymore, he started punching him, too drunk to even realize it. He continued until he was stopped by a few people, taking him by the arms and dragging him away.

"Louis what the hell!" Niall shouted as soon as they were alone.

"He was- he was saying' I was weak!" Louis defended himself pointing at the door.

"Are you crazy? You just beat your best friend because he said you were weak?" Niall asked, completely disgusted by his friend behavior.

"No he- he was telling the truth" Louis said, sitting on the ground, exhausted.


"So people heard him" Louis explained. "I'm going home" he declared as he grabbed a bottle of something that was near him, not really caring what it was.

"You're not going anywhere Louis" Niall tried, but his friend didn't want to listen. So he headed to the door, the bottle in his hand, too drunk to walk properly.

"Louis" a voice called him.

"Hmm" he asked as he turned around. He didn't even notice who grabbed his hand, but suddenly he found himself sitting in the bathroom, with someone in front of him.

"Hey" he smiled, even tho he had no idea who he was talking about.

"Look what you did, your hands are bleeding" the boy said, as he cleaned the fresh blood from Louis' knuckles. He squinted his eyes, and realized that it was non other than his ex boyfriend.

"Harry!" He exclaimed. "So good to see ya baby. If you Uhm... if you heard wha' Liam said, don't like- don't believe him kay?"

"You don't even deserve what I am doing to you, but I can't let you go home like this" Harry said harshly, ignoring Louis' comment, and he started talking about how wrong was to hit Liam, but Louis was too tired and drunk to understand, so he closed his eyes.


When he woke up again, he found himself somewhere, and it took him a while to realize that he wasn't in his bedroom like he was suppose to. He looked around, massaging his head, and he realized that he had never seen that room before.

Louis was going to get up, but as soon as he tried to move, he felt a terrible headache and had to sit down again.

"There are painkillers in the nightstand" a voice said from behind him, causing him to turn around.

"Harry" he breathed. "What uhm...what happened?"

"You don't remember?" Harry asked, sitting on the bed next to Louis.

"Uh no I was uhm... I was at a party, and Liam came talk to me, and uhm... that's pretty much it, the rest it's pretty blurry" he explained.

"Louis you uhm... you were really drunk yesterday and... Liam did come to talk to you but you uh... you fought and then you basically beat the shit out of him" Harry said scratching the back of his neck.

Louis stayed silent for a few seconds, processing the information."Is he okay?" was all he asked.

"Yeah, I mean, he needed a few patches but he's okay now"

"And what am I doing here?"

"Oh uhm... I thought, well you were really drunk and I thought I couldn't let you go home like that so I thought it was best to bring you here" Harry explained, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

"But I've never been here before" Louis pointed out.

"Oh yeah it's one of the guest room"



"Well I should probably...go check on Liam" Louis said, getting up from the bed and taking the pain killers.

"Oh yeah"

"Thank you Harry" Louis said, genuinely meaning it.

I'm reading spotlights by bestwriterever8 and it's soooi good

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