There she was.

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I fiercely cut the phone and kept it on the table. How did she fool all my men there? She was alone and then also she was successful in running away. If she can do that then why can't my rivals do such thing in reality? I quickly made a mental note to change my security system once I get back. But this girl really amuses me sometimes. How can she escape all my men that too alone? And by running away did she mean that she has left forever? I wish that she does leave me forever though. 

This is the first time when Ace Parker is having so many questions and no answers. This isn't me, I really need to do something, I said to myself. But before I could do something, my phone started ringing breaking my chain of thoughts.

It was him.

"Hello my son." Came his voice.

Hello? my shoes.

"Hey dad." I said even though I didn't want to. I really need to control myself.

"What am I hearing Ace? Eva has run away? Are you not treating her properly?" Mr. Parker said from the other side a little bit sternly.

"Of course I am treating her well. I was in France for work since the last 2 weeks so I don't really-" I started but I was cut off by him.

"You are in France?! She is living alone in that house for 2 weeks? Are you out of mind Ace? You could have taken her with you, and not left her alone. Now I am starting to think that you are not taking this marriage seriously son. " He said from the other end.

Fuck. I can't let him suspect me, I have to make him believe that this marriage is not fake.

"No dad, there is nothing like that. I was just going to go back the minute I heard about this. I am really serious about this marriage. I will find her very soon." I said gritting my teeth but trying to handle the situation. 

"You should son. Find her. Go." He said and cut the call.

Screw this girl.

I took my phone and called my secretary. 

"Cancel all meetings, functions or calls. Get me my private jet in 5 mins." I told her.

"Okay sir"

I cut the call and sighed. Time to go back. 

"I am not going to leave you Eva." I said slamming my fist on the table. 


After 5hours 


"So you are telling me that you went to get the car and when you returned you couldn't find her and then you heard the gunshot? And may I ask how did she go out of the main gates?" I asked sarcastically to Taylor. I was currently in my mansion, sitting in my study room, shouting on Taylor for his stupidity and carelessness. I arrived here a while back and I have still not found that damn girl. 

"Actually she asked me to wait outside the mansion gates only so that is why I had asked the security guards to open the gates. She must have left when we ran towards the gun shot." Taylor said timidly.

"A girl was able to escape from such a tight security then what all can the rivals do? I want you to strengthen the security, hire new guards, increase the security and I will myself check the new system after 2 hours. Do you get that? " I ordered Taylor.

"Okay Boss." Taylor replied somewhat fearing my anger.

"And I want you personally to track down Eva's phone and get me all the information about her whereabouts in the next 15minutes. Now go, fast." I growled at him.

Ace Of Hearts(#Book1 in ACE series)Where stories live. Discover now