"Weird but good yet Unknown."

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I frantically screamed and yelled trying to find her but I couldn't

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I frantically screamed and yelled trying to find her but I couldn't. The desire to see if she was okay was burning inside me. I was feeling so fucking helpless. What if she isn't here?

What if I am too late to save her?

What if something happens to her?

Will I be ever able to forgive myself it someone hurt her?

What if I fucking lose her?

No. No. No.

That can't happen. I need to find her. I can't even think about the thought of losing her. I am not going to leave those mother fucker kidnappers. I am going to kill them with my bare hands. I can't lose her, I can't because that can't be happening. I can't-

That very second I came to the end of the hallway I was walking and that is when my eyes stopped at the petite figure who was tied on the chair. I couldn't see her properly due to the darkness around in the basement but I knew it was her. I know it.

A sudden rush of relief washed over me as I started breathing again. My eyes warmed as I saw her. A mere look at her made me relieved. She is here. At last I found her.

I dashed, without wasting even a single second, towards her. I bent down on my knees to come to the level of the chair she was tied to. She seemed to be fainted. I shook her lightly to wake her up. I just want to hear her voice. I want to hear her say that she is okay. I shook her again to look into her eyes and tell her that I was here, to save her. She shifted slightly and slowly her eyes fluttered. She opened them to reveal those pale blue orbs which were confused, then relieved and then some life came into them. She looked at me and her eyes showed how much she had been through and how happy she was to see me.

"They fucking kept me here without even a single grain of food. I am so going to kill them." She said idiotically but I was too damn happy to hear her that I didn't mind it at all. I cupped her face as I kissed her forehead and pulled her into me. I hugged her and reminded myself that she was here, with me, in my arms, safe.

"Uhh...I am smelly as hell in here Ace. I don't think you-" I cut her off and said instead-

"Shut up Eva. I thought I was going to lose you forever. You scared the hell out of me." I said honestly.

"Oh..umm.." She stuttered expectedly.

Suddenly, something seemed to get into her as her body became stiff.

"What happened?" I asked worried.

"Are you really here? I thought I was hallucinating.....Does...Am..I...I am safe..I..D.." She was confused as hell as her eyes fell on my face and she seemed to take in the fact that I was actually there. And then, the panic kicked into her eyes.

"Ace..Ace..Take me home. I don't...I don't want to stay here..Take me home..I need to get out of here..right now.." She croaked and I couldn't see her like that. 

Ace Of Hearts(#Book1 in ACE series)Where stories live. Discover now