Why is everything flying and falling in laps?

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After the beautiful moment we had, Ace stared smiling at me as I danced around the room like a maniac

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After the beautiful moment we had, Ace stared smiling at me as I danced around the room like a maniac. But I didn't care because he was last person to judge me about how I acted. I knew that. 

After that he had to go out for some important work but he promised me that he would be back in an hour or less. He just had to sign some papers and then he said that he would take me somewhere.

And when I protested that I was in no mood for going out just hours after being kidnapped - he shut me up by saying that I need to go out. And then he left.

And it has been 34 minutes since he left and here I am getting ready to go into the shower. I haven't had a shower since I got out of that place. Gross. 

Jennifer had come earlier to feed me and was freaking out more than I was about getting kidnapped. 

She went as far as saying that she would beat the hell out of Ace for leaving her. Apparently Jennifer had said that she wouldn't talk to Ace until he found me. This explains his urge to find me. Anything for his sister. And I couldn't help but admire the kind of person Mr. apathetic was. So I naturally smiled when Jennifer said - 

"I am going to strangle my careless brother and kidnap him to refrain him from working in his damned office. That would be the perfect punishment for Estevan." 

The threat was perfect. I loved her concern. I am not used to it, you know. But now that I was alone, the weight of whatever happened was slowly resurfacing. My mind started wandering back to the time I was there, alone and kidnapped, and not matter how I tried - I couldn't forget it. 

I stood in the shower not doing anything. I didn't know what to do. I felt so disgusted. The man who I thought was dead, came back for revenge? My worst nightmare has been alive this whole time and my mother..she..she died because of that bastard. How can I ever call him 'father'? That man took everything away from me and didn't get enough!

I don't know if I felt disgusted by myself, him or both. I felt like every inch of my body was burning. It is like all those wounds of past which were supposed to be healed were again getting cut and this time it was making me burn in anger, betrayal and frustration.

I was getting soaked in water but still the feeling of being dirty never left me.

At that moment, a hand shook me - making me come back to my senses. I looked up to see Ace looking at me with concern and worry. Something which is very rare. What has happened to him? Why is he behaving so strangely?

And - when did he come back from work?

"Hey, what happened? I have been calling you since minutes. I thought you fainted again. Are you okay?" He asked me cupping my face with his hands as he made me look into his beautiful eyes. And at that very moment, stream of tear drops cascaded down my cheeks as I I couldn't bear it anymore. Everything that happened the past few days came like a storm and hit me. I sobbed and cried like there was no tomorrow. I could hear Ace asking me if I was okay and what happened but I couldn't speak. It was too much. Every wrong thing happening in my life came down crashing me to the core.

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