Chapter 3: "An eye on my head"

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Edited - 10.02.22 


In this weird world, where the type of records made can be way weirder than people, I have managed to create one record myself. Today started with me making a record that was much more unexpected than Snape turning out to be the good one, Always

Yeah, it was that unexpected. 

I woke up early.

For the first time in my whole 21 years of life. You are stunned?

Bruh. Then Jess looked like she had seen a tortoise winning a race against a cheetah. And the whole morning she continued ranting about how the sun has risen from the south that is why I woke up early. So here I am preparing orders for customers while listening to my best friend (who has now lost her sanity). I think the gene of insanity runs in friendships too. 

We were busy working and chatting, when the manager of the café came. He was a cheery, amiable yet conscientious 40 year old man whose sole dream was to open a café  with his wife. Sadly his wife left him few years back, when she got diagnosed with tumor, but he still continues to run this place in her memory. Talk about love and dreams. I lack in both. 

"What is the matter Sir, you look disturbed?" I asked seeing the unusual frown on his face. He was the one to spread smiles, not to frown and look distraught.  His next words were shocking and unbelievable.

"I am sorry but I am firing you Miss Johns because of your lack of cooking skills." He said.

"What?" Was the the only word which came out from both my and Jess' s mouth. Is he joking? Is it the first day of the month April? 

"Yes, some customers have been complaining about you so I have to fire you as I cannot afford to dishonor the reputation of my café by employing someone who is incapable of excelling in their profession. Here is your payment for this month, you may leave now." He said this without meeting my eyes, handed me the envelope of money, and with that he turned and left.

I was still taking in everything. Am I really jobless now? But what did I do? Who complained and why? Did I really do something wrong? 

And with that the pool of self doubt splashed me like the waves on the rock. 

"How can he do that? Everybody loves your coffee, this cannot be true! I will go now and talk to him" Jess said and started going after him. Before she could go I held her elbow to stop her. 

"No. Leave it" I said composing myself.

She looked at me in disbelief and asked "Why?". 

"No don't argue with him he may fire you also....he is not in a good mood. please" I said pleading. I didn't want her to lose the job because of me. I don't know what my fault is but whatever it is I don't want Jess to get in trouble because of me. I don't want her to suffer because of me or my mistakes. After a lot of pleadings, briberies, and threatening, she at last agreed and calmed down.

After that I decided to go home and then go look for another job because if I didn't have this job anymore then I am jobless and that is not going to work. But Jess insisted to come with me. After arguments she finally grumpily agreed. I went home wondering who was the one whom I had served bad coffee. But I could not remember anything, shaking my head I was about to enter the building of my apartment when I saw a man, clad in all black clothes,  spitting near the building wall. I couldn't see his face due to the long hood of his black hoodie.

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