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"EMMETT SEEMS TO like you." Cara said as she picked her questionable hamburger from the cafeteria apart at the table.

"He's a nice guy." Willow shrugged, grimacing at the grayish patty that was on Cara's plate. "Remind me to never eat the cafeteria food here."

"I've never seen him talk to anyone for more than a few sentences. Him and Alice are the nicest of them."

When the pair sat down at their lunch table in the corner of the room, Cara made a point to give Willow the rundown on everyone that she could, especially the Cullens and Hales.

Brett dropped his lunch tray on the table next to his sister before sitting down. "Ever since Bella got here Mike has been all over her." He grumbled, taking an angry bite from his apple. "She is the wrench in my plan to get him to fall in love with me."

"Did it ever occur to you that he might not like guys?"

"In a perfect world he does."

"In a perfect world we wouldn't be living in Forks."

"In a perfect world I would be at Hogwarts." Cara sighed, cutting off the siblings bickering.

"I like her." Brett said after looking at Cara for a moment. "Do you want to know everything I know about Mike so far?"

"Not really but I'm sure you're going to tell me anyways."

Throughout lunch, Willow would catch Emmett's eye, and she couldn't help but smile a few times. The first time she looked at the table, everyone was staring at her, Alice being the only one smiling. That made her feel uneasy. Somehow those five pairs of eyes were much more intense than the entire student body of Forks High School.

Willow had history after lunch, and she felt wildly uncomfortable with the fact that she had the class with both Emmett and Rosalie. Willow liked to think that she did a good job with focusing in the class, but she couldn't help but turn her attention to the couple every few minutes. Every once in a while, she would catch the blonde's eye, who would glare in return before looking at the teacher. If looks could kill, Willow would be a goner. The brunette couldn't blame her; she would be pissed too if her boyfriend — or ex, whatever they are — was oddly fixated on the new girl.

When the bell rang, Willow was the first out of the room even though she sat in the back. She truly couldn't get out of that room quick enough. It felt like the oxygen was getting sucked out of the room and she desperately needed air.

Willow let out a yelp of surprise when she bumped into someone just outside the door. "Damn, Speedy Gonzales, where are you heading to?" Cara asked, pushing her glasses up her face. "Gotta poop or something? I can show you where the good bathrooms are."

Emmett was right behind Willow then, causing her to jump again. "Jesus Christ." She put her hand over her heart, as if that would slow down her racing heart.

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