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EMMETT WAS NOT kidding when he said that Willow would not be out of his sight. The only time they weren't attached at the hip is when she was in the bathroom, or first thing Sunday morning when she went downstairs. Her family didn't seem to bat an eye when he knocked on the door at 9 AM, but then again, Cara was typically at the house that early on the weekends if she didn't spend the night.

While Willow enjoyed having Emmett over, she did grow slightly tired of him by Sunday afternoon, which is why she opted to go grocery shopping with George. She was well aware of the fact that Emmett was still keeping his eye on them, but at least it was from a distance.

Naturally, George used the time to ask her about her relationship with Emmett and if they're being safe. It was at that moment that Willow contemplated slamming her head in the freezer aisle door. And while it was mortifying for her, Emmett found it hysterical for at least an hour after he heard it.

After that, Willow contemplated not letting him in once he knocked on the door after she returned home.

When Sunday evening came, Willow, Emmett, Brett, and George were watching 10 Things I Hate About You when Monica walked into the house with Chief Swan trailing behind her with a casserole that a neighbor made once they heard that Bella suddenly left.

White people really do make any excuse to make a casserole.

"Maybe you shouldn't stay for this." Willow suggested, whispering to her boyfriend as they set the table.

"Oh, I am. Everyone I need to protect is under one roof, that makes my life easier." He paused for a moment as he set the last plate down. "I mean, Cara is missing but Rose almost always has an eye on her."

With the table set, everyone sat down, and Monica dished out the tuna casserole. Willow contemplated saying that she's allergic to fish when her plate was dished but knew that her mother would think it was rude towards Charlie, even if he didn't actually make it.

"How are you holding up, Chief?" Willow asked Charlie after Monica took her seat next to him.

"Willow, I told you to call me Charlie." He smiled at the teenager, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm okay, I just wish I knew if Bella is safe."

"I'm sure she would call if she was in trouble." Monica put her hand on Charlie's and gave him a comforting smile, and he responded by lacing their fingers together.

"Unless she's dead."

"Jesus Christ!" Willow and George said simultaneously, both kicking Brett's leg under the table.

"Ouch! I'm just being honest!"

"Maybe keep your thoughts to yourself every once in a while, asshole." Willow responded through her teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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