League Rounds-Battling on the Wing!

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Guys this chapter is dedicated to Clara as I forgot her through most of the story.This is also a way to let you guys have a glimpse at Clara's battle power.Anyway!Onwards to the story!

Yuna and her friends were in the stands getting ready to watch the match.

Yuna:I wonder how stronger Clara has gotten.I've only ever seen her Charizard but no one was their to push Charizard to his limits.

Yuna snapped out if her thoughts as she heard someone calling her.

Valerie:*worried*You were spacing out.You alright?

Yuna:Yeah just thinking about something.

Ash:The match is starting!

As truth be told the referee began the match.

Back On The Field

Kira:*smugly*I realized you and that Yuna girl are friends.So after defeated you,I will crush her too and everyone will see that I'm better than her.

Clara took a glimpse at the stands to see Yuna looking completely.........bored.She even added a yawn for effect!

Kira: Fearow,rule the skies! Let's show them how better we are!

Clara:Rule the skies? Really?

Clara sighed at that last remark.Arrogant trainers are the weakest of the bunch.She wanted to send out Charizard to prove this...........girl wrong but then decided to have some fun.

Clara:Rise and shine Pidgeot! It's time for a battle!

Both Kantonian birds glared at each other as the floated(?)  in the air.

Clara decided to attack first.

Clara:Use Air Slash!

Pigeot's large wings glowed white before flapping them hard,sending blades of energy at Fearow who was surprised,never expecting such a quick attack.

Fearow flinched unexpectedly and seeing so Clara called another move.....

Clara: Quick Attack!

As quick as silver Pidgeot was gone and was seen slamming his head into Fearow's stomach.

Kira:Use Steel Wing!

Coming back to his senses,Fearow use Steel Wing sending Pidgeot back.

Clara began analyzing from what she's seen so far.

Clara:So Fearow's ability is probably Sniper since he was still able to attack while Pidgeot attacked him.Point-blank too.Though its power is probably not that high since Pidgeot is perfectly fine.

Clara looked to see Pidgeot waiting patiently on a command while Fearow glared at him.

Clara:*sighs*This fight isn't gonna last long.

Kira: That's right cause I'm gonna beat you!Drill Peck!

Clara: Double Team then throw Fearow off balance with Gust!

As Fearow was nearing Pidgeot,he stopped as Pidgeot surrounded him using Double Team.All the Pidgeot then started flapping their wings not giving Fearow a chance to retaliate.Fearow started falling after not being able to regain balance in the air.

Clara:Wing Attack!

Pidgeot's wings glowed white but instead of sending blades of energy, Pidgeot flew straight down to the falling Fearow and struck him with his left wing.

Clara:Now Sky Attack!

Kira:Take the chance,use Drill Run!

Fearow charging at Pidgeot who was sweating bullets cause if he moved Sky Attack will cancel itself out.

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