A Surprising Volcanic Win

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Yuna P.O.V

They arrived at the volcano at the back of the island.


Ash:Misty it's only for Yuna's match.

Ash kisses her cheek and she blushed a deep red.

Yuna:Is it the kiss or the heat making you turn red?

Marine giggled while Brock and Forrest chuckled.Misty gave Yuna a glare but she didn't seem fazed.

Yuna:Kiss it is.Let's go find a way in.

Misty:*groans*Oh I'm soo in for in.Yuna is on a teasing streak.

Mullo ran up on her shoulder and patted her head.

Mullo:Pika(There There)

They spotted a cave in the volcano.The same man walked out.

???:I see you have solved my riddle.You may go in after you've solved this riddle*clears throat*What can be taken off to keep dry in the rain and be worn if yours is already lost?

Marine:A bag?

Squirtle face palmed.
Bulbasaur shook his head disbelievingly.

Misty:*groans*You're worst than I am.

Yuna:.......hmmm.A wig.

???:That is correct.

The man took of his wig and sunglasses.

???:Hello,I am Blaine.

Ash: You're the gym leader?!


Ash:And you were giving us riddles?

Blaine: Hmmhm.

Misty:Uh,Ash?Yuna has to ask something.

Ash:Oh sorry.

Yuna:No worries.I would like to battle for a badge.

Blaine:*nods*Follow me.

They followed him and the farther they went the more the heat went up.

Misty:Is is just me or is it getting hotter?

Forrest: It's not just you.

Forrest was using his hat as a fan.

Squirtle and Bulbasaur was returned to their pokeballs seeing as the heat rose.

They stopped and saw field in the middle of the volcano with lava at the bottom.

Brock raised his hand.

Brock:Do excuse me,but is this battle gonna make the volcano erupt?

Marine and Forrest gulped.

Blaine laughed and waved it off.

Blaine:No need to worry.I made sure this volcano never erupts.
Yuna we will have our battle here and it will be a three on three.

Yuna nodded and took out a pokeball containing ?She knew that these two trained hard and they just needed a battle to evolve.

Blaine:Ok,go Nintales!


Yuna:Purity, it's now or never.

Feebas came out.

The group practically fell out of their seats.

Blaine:Well that's an interesting choice.

Yuna:Thank you.

Blaine:*sweat dropped*Well that doesn't mean we're going easy on you.Flamethrower!

Yuna:Flop then Dragon Pulse.

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